Chapter 3

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"Ugh, it's his fourth birthday as an idol and no one still wanted to celebrate it with him."

I tilted my head to look at the female staff, who introduced herself as Doyeon earlier, when she said those. She was leaning her back against the sink while watching me washing my handkerchief, then wiping it on my skirt in attempt to remove the wet coffee stain on it.

"No one celebrates his birthday with him?"

Doyeon snickered. "With that attitude? Who wants to be with a man who has an attitude of a woman in her PMS?"

I was about to say something when the comfort room door opened, another female staff entered. "Y/n, the spilled coffee in the dressing room." Soomi then informed right after her eyes found me.

Letting out an exasperated sigh, I grabbed the rag I saw on the sink and gave it a wash. "No one actually cleaned it?"

"Someone tried to. But Baekhyun insisted that you should do it and even told the janitor to keep the mops. Gosh, he's starting again. If I were you, girl. I'd leave the job while I'm still alive."

I giggled. "I've promised myself to never quit this job. The salary is insane!"

"Yeah right. All for the money."

We exited the comfort room together, still conversing comfortably not until we spotted Baekhyun waiting outside the dressing room. Doyeon and Soomi stops for awhile and whispered to me their goodlucks before going separate ways, leaving me alone.

I gulped the lump in my throat before walking towards Baekhyun.

"Aren't you supposed to be rehearsing by now?" I asked, trying not to stutter and to have any eye contact with him.

"I want to see you clean the floor."

This scum- if only I don't love you, I could've strangled you right now especially that no one is around. I ignored him and walked pass to enter the dressing room.

The door was wide open and Baekhyun was leaning against the doorway as I crouched down in front of the big coffee puddle. At first, I didn't know how to start and remained staring down on the dark liquid. Ah, whatever. I thought to myself and started wiping the spilled coffee using the rag.

Baekhyun left when I was halfway done. As I watch him walk away, I realized something. His eyes, they were lonely and kinda sad since he picked me up this morning. It is something I failed to notice at the first few moments we're together. But when Doyeon's words came flashing back my mind, the one about no one celebrating his birthday with him. That's when I saw how lonely he looked under those sweet stares to his fans earlier, and to the irritated glare he gave me.

I eventually regretted thinking about strangling him.

Now that I've think about it, he's only rude to his managers because of something that happened in the past. As what Youngjin said, there's a backstory as to why. Baekhyun isn't rude, it was a cover up to show rebellion to someone who messed up what's on his seemingly happy past.

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