Chapter 27

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Seyul took off her tiara and puts it on my head, all while retaining a huge grin on her face.

"Why is it on my head? Aren't you uncle Baekhyun's forever princess?" I asked as my hand reached to fix the way she crookedly placed it. I was reading them a fairytale and they suddenly want to roleplay the whole story.

"I want to be the fairy now that I found the perfect princess for uncle Baekhyun."

I could just force a smile while admiring her innocent face. She's too young to play the matchmaker. It should be fine, I was at her age when I started shipping my favorite cartoon characters anyway.

"How about Siwoo?"

"He's a knight! He will go with prince uncle Baekhyun to rescue you!"

I love the kids, I'm not lying about that. But I really want to get away from them matchmaking me with Baekhyun. I can play the princess as long as they wanted to, well that is if their so-called prince won't join us.

"Oh no! I pricked my finger on the spindle of the spinning wheel!" though I suck at acting, I still did my best to pretend that I've died by laying still on the floor.

"Siwoo! We need to go to the prince to save the princess!" they were both giggly as they scattered around the whole place to pretend they're going on an adventure while singing to a children song.

I popped one eye open and since my head is facing the way to the kitchen, I saw Baekhyun and his mom having a seemingly serious conversation. They're keeping their voices down and the kids screaming didn't help for me to hear what they're talking about. But I kind of feel that it's about me when they both turned their heads to look at my direction and straight to my figure down on the floor. Wait, what? Why are they glancing at me? And there's something to the way Baekhyun's mom would look at me, it's making me miss my own mother. She's looking at me like how my mom looks at Baekhyun, her eyes filled with adoration.

The kids quickly caught their attention when they ran into the kitchen. Seyul pulls Baekhyun's hand, wanting to reach him and so he leaves the kitchen stool to crouch down in front of her. She then places the crown on his head and excitedly announced that he's the prince while pulling him towards the living room.

Siwoo runs back to me, Seyul and Baekhyun stayed behind him. If this is a fairytale, then they're expecting to see the scene where the prince kissed the princess to wake her up! Which is bad since they're still kids and they shouldn't see such thing at a young age. I didn't have any idea to get away with that, it was until Siwoo the knight kneels down beside my head and slaps my lips with his tiny hand. Perfect! Thanks, Siwoo!

"Aaand I'm alive again!" I rose from the floor right after Seyul and Baekhyun reached the area where I'm laying down to pretend I'm dead. "The princess lived because it was the antidote to the poison that knight Siwoo brought could save her and not a prince! The end! Knight Siwoo is the real hero!" I lifted him up in my arms and we danced around the living room.

Seyul looked like she's about to cry, staring at Siwoo and I and still holding on to Baekhyun's hand. "But that's not the real ending of the story."

"We have to cut the story short, princess," he picks her up in his arms and grazes his thumb on her cheek to wipe the tears away. "She had to rest after pricking her hand on the needle just this morning. When Sleeping Beauty pricked her finger on the needle, what happened to her?"

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