Chapter 28

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I was sleepily laying down on the couch while admiring Sehun as he stir his cup of hot choco in his hand, he was seated on the couch just across me. All those slow dancing got me exhausted, the weather makes me feel sleepy, and I wanted to sleep away the emotions I felt from the happenings earlier.

"Baekhyun hyung... Didn't want to treat you like that," Sehun suddenly spoke amidst the peaceful quietness lasting for a while now.


"The reason why he used to try kicking you out of your job was because he didn't want to be rude to you any longer," he paused to take a sip on his drink. "He was trying to spare you from those."

I frowned. "I don't understand, Sehun. How is kicking me out from being his manager going to spare me from his attitude?"

"Because Jian told him she didn't like you." he expelled a sigh.

That manipulative bitch, he coaxed him to hate on me when we're getting closer to the friendship stage. Was it when I fainted after saving him from the falling lighting? It was the time I noticed that he's being rude to me again.

"And the reason why he suddenly wanted you to stay now that you're the one trying to leave is because when you were away for days to spend time with your family, he realized that..." Sehun bites his bottom lip, seemingly reluctant on continuing with what he's going to tell me.

"That what?"

"That he can't do things on his own and you're the best at handling his schedules." then he grinned widely, a forced one. "There's more to those words, but I want him to personally tell you that and not me."

Though I'm curious and wanted him to just tell me instead, I slightly rolled my eyes and pouted to show that I'm uninterested to whatever is that. "What's the point of telling me those anyway? He was so blinded that he could hurt me despite knowing that I like him." I bitterly muttered.

Sehun chuckles at my sulking face. "I just thought of telling you. If you have your side of the story, Baekhyun hyung has it too. But I'm on your side for this one." he smiles at me with assurance, I trust his words. "I just don't want to see my favorite pair of idol and manager trying to avoid each other. Watching you two in your daily childish fight is kind of entertaining."

Even I, don't want to avoid him...

I fell asleep on the couch not long after that conversation and before closing my eyes, Sehun held my hand, telling me about how it comforts him holding on to someone he relies on. It was comforting and warm.

When I woke up, I was already on my bed. The covers were up enough to keep me warm and the lights were out just like what I preferred. Murmurs could be heard from outside the room and since I'm always light-headed moments after waking up, I ignored those deep voices and laid still.

Deep voices?

I pushed the blanket aside and quickly made my way to the door to press my ear on it and eavesdrop. When I recognized the voices, I sighed in relief. I thought someone had broke in and held me captive but then I remember Sehun saying that he'll just leave after having dinner with me. I opened the door of my bedroom and the people I had in mind comes into my view.

"Hi!" Chanyeol immediately beams upon seeing me. "I bought dinner and drinks for us." he says, raising the paper bag in his hand.

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