Chapter 9

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Baekhyun's comeback was really a hit! Breaking his past achievements and the title track debuting #1 in charts. Totally a success as expected, that surely made him feel at ease and delighted. He couldn't stop saying how happy he is and even replied to some fans on twitter. I could just chuckle silently as I watch him typing his reply with a huge smile on his face. Looking back, I was so desperate getting a reply from him by tweeting nonstop. But now I'm here just right beside him. I can see him upclose, talk to him, and even touch him. So I thought of giving the chance to the others and never felt jealous to those who got a reply from him.

After the MV release and few moments of celebration, we were told to go home and have some rest before schedules started pouring for the upcoming days, of course for Baekhyun's comeback promotions. Everyone who'd pass by us would congratulate Baekhyun and that must've put him in the mood when he told me to get into his car because he's driving me home. I've never said a word ever since, I didn't want to ruin his happy mood and make him lock me inside his car again.

It was until it has been at least 15 minutes and we're still in the parking lot. He was grinning wide, fingers rapidly tapping against the screen of his phone while I'm watching him out of boredom. He's the only one enjoying so I thought of breaking the silence. "Are we going?"

He glances at me for a second and then back at his phone screen. "Ah, yeah. Just wait a second." after few taps, he throws his phone on the dashboard and turned the engine on.

Wow, indeed, a normal conversation. Since after his comeback release three hours ago, he never fought with me or showed some rudeness. Seeing him being greeted by the same staffs who told me about him being rude that's why no one likes him, was like watching a movie that I've never heard before. It felt weird.

I had my eyes looking outside the window while leaning my head against it and admiring the comfortable silence lingering in between us. I never thought that it only takes a nervous and overjoyed Baekhyun for us to have a peaceful moment. Should I just...? But how the hell could I make him feel nervous all the time? Not to mention making him feel happy when he hates me the most.

Baekhyun took a turn, leading to a different road opposite to the ones that'll take me home. I flinched on my seat and stared at him, eyes slightly widening. "This isn' the way home."

One hand left the steering wheel to scratch his nape. "I know. I'm showing you the way to my apartment."

"Why didn't you tell me in the first place?" I relaxed back against the seat and crossed my arms. "I could've taken down notes of what streets I have to pass."

"What are you, a boomer? There's a thing called nagivator."

"What did you just called me?!" I heaved out a breathy laugh. "Have you seen your face turning pale out of nervousness?" I didn't have anything for a clapback so I'm just going to bring up how he looked nervous earlier and I think it somehow annoyed him when his jaw clenched and fingers slightly tightening around the wheel.

None of us talked right after and I find it really weird. Baekhyun is stubborn, he never tries to let me win in our petty argument of insulting each other. He looks like he's holding back to fight me. Was it because this day is supposed to be a good day or he wanted something from me?

It's more likely to be the former. Why would he want something from me and if ever, what would it be? Whatever it is, it surely bothers him and it shows to the way his lips were pursed and head cocking the slightest, eyes narrowed as if he's talking to himself in his mind.

I was about to open my mouth to ask him what he's thinking about when the surrounding suddenly turned dark. My gaze snapped back outside the window only to see that we had entered a parking lot which I guess is from his apartment building's.

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