Chapter 33

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"You passed my mother's trustworthy test by the way."


Baekhyun takes a slice of pizza from the box. "She actually told me that she gave you her number." he takes a bite. "And also about not telling me about it."


"You lied to me when I asked about that just to keep it a secret which Eomma wants you to do." he shrugged. "Don't ask me, I also don't have any idea why she did that. I never knew she conduct tests."

I scoffed and rolled my eyes at him, then torturing myself by watching him eat the pizza I bought, all alone. Since I died first in our game 2 days ago, I had to treat him as promised but has to be delayed. I ran a lot of errands regarding his rescheduled activities that he will have to accomplish starting tomorrow, I want him to enjoy the remaining days of his rest so I didn't bother him and did things all by myself.

"Whatever! I should get myself ready." I said, abruptly leaving my seat and stretch my arms as I exited his kitchen.

"Where are you going?"

I looked back at him and answered, "There's this once a year manager party that's held for idol managers." just by thinking about it is making me excited! "It's my first time attending! I'm finally seeing some managers just like me."

He puts down the pizza he's holding, his face turning serious. "Is Seoho going to be there?"

"He's still in tour with Kyungsoo, so I guess that's a no?"

That answer seems to put him at ease when his face went from stoic to relaxed. "Okay. Have fun then."


The night came faster than I expected, maybe it was just because I'm excited about this party. As I stepped out of my apartment, Baekhyun suddenly shows up when his door opened. Our eyes travelled to each other's outfits, he's dressed as if he's going out on a late night date. If only I didn't accidentally blurted out the truth to him, I would probably think he's out to meet Jian and go to another secret date with her.

Well, that calmed my heart down. At least I know he's not going to meet some girls and go on a date as he just got himself heart broken and is still in the process of moving on. Besides, he protects his image more than he does to me so I guess that's enough to say that I should not overthink and conclude things on my own.

"Going already?" he asks, closing his door behind him.

I nodded. "Yup."

"Perfect, I'm heading out to meet a friend. Maybe I could drop you off to the venue of that party you mean?"

I gasped, amused. "Yes, please. I feel safer when you're driving." and I skipped away from him, not wanting to see his probably disgusted reaction to my words.

The ride was kind of quiet but comfortable for the first few minutes, it was until Baekhyun started asking some questions about the party like who would be there? What would we do? Is Seoho still in a tour with Kyungsoo when they've flown back to Korea just this morning? Obviously, he wants assurance that Seoho won't suddenly show up to the party.

But I can't give him that, and he doesn't need to know.

"Are you drinking?"

"With my low tolerance? No thanks." I chuckled. "I might get myself embarrassed without me knowing and no one's driving me home."

When I looked outside the window, I saw the sign of the bar where the party is happening. I pointed a finger to it as I flinched on my seat out of excitement. "There it is! That's the name of the bar that Lay's manager sent to me."

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