Chapter 51

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"You're fired."

Those words keeps on lingering in my head, whispering through my ears as I made my way to my apartment. I can't believe I just heard those, now that Baekhyun and I are dating? I longed for that decision when I wanted to leave him for mistreating me and only received them now that he loves me too?

I stopped in the middle of the hallway, in between my apartment door and Baekhyun's. In one spin, Youngmin comes into the view few feet away from me. I sucked in a breath, suddenly losing my courage to speak.

So he did it first. "I just want to-"

"I know. I'll get him." I turned to face Baekhyun's door. "Can you wait for a minute? It won't take long, I just need a word with him."

He nodded once and I took it as a cue to enter.

My worried boyfriend greets me as soon as I got inside, jumping on his uninjured foot to make his way to me.

"What was it all about? Why did he called you in the middle of the night?"

I avoided his eyes and nibbled on my bottom lip, one hand rubbing my arm as I thought of words to say.

Baekhyun senses my hesitation and placed both of his hands on my shoulders, stilling his eyes on mine. "My love, is it something serious?"

Before I could change my mind into not telling him at all, I blurted out, "I'm fired."

I felt how his grip tightened and his body tensing up.

"I told you that we should be careful! Someone caught us and told Sooman that we're dating!" I swung my arms to remove his hold on to my shoulders before stepping away from him. "You got a new manager and he will be the one to go with you to your schedules from now on, since I will no longer work-"

He snapped out of his reverie and breaks my words off. "I'm going to talk to him. Right now." he limps past me to quickly grab his car keys that I had thrown on the coffee table earlier.


"No! I had enough of this. I don't want our relationship to end up like what happened before. I only want you as my manager and no one else!"

I have expected his reaction to be like this. "Baek, calm down. He already fired me as your manager."

"I can't let him control everything in my life again! How am I supposed to calm down-"

"Because he promoted me to be your non-celebrity girlfriend."

That's all what it took for his rage to come down in an instant. It was as if his world stopped, time comes into halt that he himself was left standing still and everything falls into silence. If it wasn't for his eyes blinking in confusion, I could've sworn this whole situation is like time really had stopped running.

Once Baekhyun recovered, his face went from surprised to confused. "What?" one of his brows ascended.

"I was just playing with you." I tried holding back my laughter and a snort came out instead. "Sooman kicking me out of my job was just an act to scare the hell out of me for not telling him soon-" my sentence was cut short with a shriek when he lifts me up and spins me around in bliss.

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