Chapter 41

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Italicized = flashback.

I hope the flashback transition doesn't confuse anyone.



No matter how many years have passed, I still remember the sole reason why my heart would still race at the thought of my first love... Even when things have changed and so does the feelings.

I consider him as my first love not just because I felt such phenomenon for the first time in my life, to him. Almost every first in my life, I got to experience and spend those kind of times with him. He made every moment special, it was one of the reasons why I fell in love with Jongdae.

Above all, it was his good personality and pure heart that swooned me over. I remember the very first time we met. I was confused, lost, and speechless. Being a new citizen of Korea back then, I guess it's safe to say that I used to be dumb when given directions and instructions to go here and there.

I couldn't get my words to come out of my mouth as my chest started to feel tight. People were staring at me, contemplating if they should ask me what's wrong or keep their distance from a lost highschool student who couldn't find her way home. I accidentally took the wrong bus and fell asleep along the way. Now I don't know where the heck I am and how do I go back?

"What should I do..." I managed to ask myself amidst sobbing while clutching the fabric of my school uniform.

It's my first day in highschool after moving to this country weeks ago. I thought, adjusting to this entirely new environment and life would be easy after learning the language at a young age, as we were bound to leave our country to live here. I was wrong, definitely.

I know what to say and what question should I ask these people so they could help me to get home, but I strangely just can't say words and ended up sobbing. I hate getting lost, it always leaves me speechless and a crying mess in the middle of the crowd.

"Hey, are you okay?"

Sniffling, I rotated my head to look at the first person to approach me and I was met by a pair of sparkly, brown irises staring at me filled with worry. For a second, I forgot why I was crying in the first place and feel embarrassed that I'm weeping in front of such handsome boy.

His eyes travelled down to my school uniform and he gasped a little, looking shock that we have the same school logos attached on our clothes. "You go from the same school as I do, which is really from here. You're lost, aren't you?"

I nodded my head aggressively and my cries intensified.

"Okay, calm down. Tell me your address and I'll walk you through the procedure to get yourself home."

I opened my mouth to speak but only a mere peep came out instead and more tears from my eyes.

He sighs, never letting that soft smile to fade even a little. "I see, you're really scared." he pulled his school bag in front of him to easily take a notebook and pen from it. "How about you write it down, hm?" he lends me his things and I reluctantly took it, our hands slightly brushing which made my heart beat abnormally.

I have never feel this before...

I wrote down my address on his notebook and with shuddering hands, I returned it back to him. He reads my address, exhaling in amusement as he diverted his gaze to meet mine.

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