Chapter 43

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We're currently at the reception after the wedding. Everyone's scattering around the place, having fun while congratulating the newlyweds. Jongdae and his wife would personally walk up to each table and thank the guests for making time just to see them wed.

They're all celebrating and stuff, while I remain seated and watch them interact with one another, sighing nonstop. SeChan, Kyungsoo, Lay, Suho, Minseok, and Kai are the reason why the whole place is having a heavenly music people can dance into, for being the wedding singers as Jongdae's request. If only Baekhyun's here, the We Are One boys would be complete and I can finally see him sing in a wedding.

After their one last romantic song, the boys stepped down of the stage to join the fun. I was the first person Sehun had to see and immediately approached my table.

"You look so lonely." he commented with a smile before offering a hand. "Do you wanna dance?"

"Sure." I accepted it. But even before he could pull me up, someone grabbed my other hand.

"I want to dance too with you, too." Chanyeol then held Sehun's other hand and they stared at each other with their eyes narrowing, looking like they're about to do something embarrassing and they're definitely including me to whatever it is.

"What are you two thinking?"

A nod of their heads followed, it was a cue. I yelped when they pulled me towards the dance floor with all our hands linked. That's when I understand what's going on as we started spinning in the middle of everyone and screaming like we're performing a ritual to summon something or someone. It's lifting up my mood and now I'm a giggling mess with Sehun and Chanyeol.

"This is a dance!" Chanyeol exclaims, holding on to my hand a little tighter to make sure I won't slip away. I felt Sehun's grip on my other hand got stronger.

"Waaaaah!" we screamed altogether, spinning around faster than before.

"Having so much fun?"

We ended our 'dance' bursting out laughing as we turned to Jongdae. "Yup, so much fun." I answered. "We're not ruining your wedding for this, right?"

"No. Absolutely no. As long as I see you guys enjoying your time here, everything's fine." he confusedly eyed our intertwined hands and asked, "where's Baekhyun?"

"He has a photoshoot and told me that he doesn't have the face to show, considering that he's the reason why you need to push the wedding as soon as possible."

"Ah wae?" Jongdae whines, stomping his feet like a kid. "How many times do I have to tell him that I have wholeheartedly forgiven him?"

I was just about to answer Jongdae when Chanyeol's manager came to join the conversation. "Sehun, Chanyeol, we need to go. You still have a flight to catch."

"But we're dancing with Y/n."

"You have schedules, it must be important." I let their hands go and gave them an assuring smile.

"Let me show you out." Jongdae beckons to follow him and he leads us to the venue's parking lot.

Seeing SeChan's van reminded me of something. "Wait! I forgot that I went here with you, how am I supposed to go home now?"

"You can go with Kyungsoo hyung, you're pretty close with his manager as what I could remember." Sehun pats my head. "Tell Baekhyun hyung we're sorry we couldn't keep our words to bring you home, we forgot about this."

"It's fine." I gestured for him to go inside the van so they could leave already.

Jongdae and I were left watching them leave the place. As soon as their van took a turn, completely disappearing from our sights, panic seeps into me. This is it, the time for the closure my heart deserve. I'd awkwardly steal glances at Jongdae, wondering how to start the conversation.

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