Chapter 6

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The three-day SMTOWN concert progressed smoothly. Today is the last day of the concert and of course since I'm Baekhyun's manager, I had to be with him and follow him around.

Nothing much happened during the past two days of the concert. All I had to do is to stick beside Baekhyun and tell him what are his schedules for the day which is mostly concert-related. We still haven't spoken to each other that much unlike before the hotel chaos happened but it's fine rather than having to fight with him.

After using the comfort room, I went back inside the dressing room where I left Baekhyun. The moment I stepped in, I saw him filming himself through the mirror, probably for his VLOG. Quickly, I tugged on the door I saw and went inside the other room.

"Now I will show up on the stage." I heard him spoke from outside the small room I'm in. "Actually, I should've taken a lot of self videos today..."

Sticking my ear on the door with my hands on the either sides of my head, I listened to Baekhyun as he continued speaking. Even when he's not really nice around me, I still can't help but fall in love with him every time I could hear his voice and when my eyes settled themselves on his figure. To be honest, I can't stand rude human beings. It wasn't just because he's Byun Baekhyun why I'm enduring all of this, partly yes, but I guess it was because I purely love him.


I flinched and pushed myself away from the door. "Yup?!"

"Come out."

And so I did opened the door and peeked from the crack, seeing Baekhyun waiting for me to come out. "What is it?"

"Film me." he hands his camera to me.

I stepped out of the room and approached him shyly before taking the camera from him without any words.

"No one knows that I have a female as a manager. So as much as possible, don't make any noise." he informs while eyeing the huge mirror in front of us, hands fixing his outfit.

"Okie." then I pressed my lips together and examined the camera, fangirling inside because finally! I've seen his camera up close and even had the chance to use it for filming him.

An intent stare that could be felt from Baekhyun made me stop pressing random buttons on the camera and lifted my gaze up to the mirror. Only to be greeted by his serious eyes through his reflection with one of his eye brows twitching up in a questionable manner; why are you pressing those buttons of my camera?

"I just... Don't have any idea how to use this." I lied, followed by a grin. Of course I know how to use a camera. I just don't want to be busted after fangirling over that sacred thing he owns.

He lets out an obviously irritated sigh, then snatching the camera from my hands. "The only button you can press is this," he points to that certain button. "It is the button that starts the recording and also ends it if needed."

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