Chapter 40

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I was walking behind Baekhyun, shyly thanking those who passed by us showing concerns about my loss.

It's Baekhyun's photoshoot for his Japan debut album. Right after arriving at the place, we went straight to the dressing room to get him ready.

There were staffs inside the room, greeting us upon our entrance but soon left the room. Soomi and Doyeon were there too, being the stylist and makeup artist assigned for today's look for the album concept. When Baekhyun sat to start his makeover under Doyeon's care, I walked up to Soomi who seems so busy over something after choosing the perfect set of clothes that Baekhyun has to wear.

"What are you doing?" I tried to peek over what Soomi is writing on her journal.

"I'm trying to get some ideal and romantic boyfriend gestures. I've always wanted to write a book with such man as a character. Wanna help me?"

"Me!" Doyeon stopped doing Baekhyun's makeup to excitedly raise her hand. "I know it's cliche and overused but holding your hand is the major heart-fluttering boyfriend gesture for me."


"My turn," Soomi turns to me and I cleared my throat. "A gesture that ideal for me is when he'd let me have his shirt that smells exactly like him, that when I wear one, it'll automatically remind me of how he wrapped his arms around me." I showed dramatic expression and hand movements in the air as I spoke.

Soomi squeals at that, faint red spreading across her cheeks. "That made my heart flutter. More, more!"

I hummed. "Imagine he's an idol- no, I mean, a producer! I should be his number one fan and he would let me listen to what he composed and dance to it around the kitchen or living room."

Both Soomi and Doyeon giggled. "How are you so good at this, Y/n?" the former ask, hand moving swiftly to write what I just said.

"Because I'm romantic." I poked her cheek and then wink in a flirty way, causing for them to burst out laughing and me following after them.

I glanced to check Baekhyun and he's halfway done with the makeup, he was staring at me through the mirror in front of him and quietly listening to us. I stuck my tongue out to tease him for no reason and turn back to Soomi and discuss more about our ideal boyfriends.

"Okay, you're up to change." Doyeon announced, Baekhyun immediately leaves his seat while Soomi took his clothes and followed him to the room where he's supposed to change his clothes.

And since I don't have anything to do, I thought of watching how they work their magic to achieve the perfection to make Baekhyun look so handsome in every photoshoots he had.

"That would look hot on Baekhyun," I commented upon observing the clothes for him to wear. Soomi stared at me with a mischievous grin and that's when I realized what I just blurted out. "I mean, your style is, you know?"

"Whatever, just... Help your artist change." she thrusted his clothes into my arms, walking out to leave me alone while chuckling and muttering something to herself.

Not long after that, Baekhyun's hand appears from the door that was ajar. I pushed his clothes on his palm facing up and expected him to take it away but he grabs my hand instead and yank me inside the room. Next thing I know, I'm pressing against the wall and his arms were over my shoulders.

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