Uncover It Off!

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"See you tomorrow, loves." I could just laugh at the way Seoyul and Siwoo are fighting to fill the screen with their cute faces.

"I still don't understand why uncle Baekhyun has to go away?"

Seoyul's question caught me off guard. How do I explain it in a kid's perspective? "Hm, think of it this way. He's playing soldiers."

"Does he need to shave all his hair? He looks funny."

"Hey!" I flinched when Baekhyun appears behind me. "Isn't it way past your bedtime?" he had both his hands on his hips and faux offended look on his face when I showed him on the screen for the kids to see.

"Uncle Baekhyun is right. You will see them tomorrow if you sleep now." I heard them whining in protest but gave the phone to Baekbeom anyway. "Who is that person behind you?" he gasped and then cackled to tease his little brother.

"Hyung, I swear..."

"Why does everyone think he looks funny?" I stood beside Baekhyun, making sure we can be seen in Baekbeom's screen before the catching his chin in the space between my thumb and index finger. "He's very handsome though."

"Just trying to mess with Baekhyungie." he mimics the way I called Baekhyun back when I was sick and missing him, while holding back his laugh. Well, that could prove they're indeed siblings.

"See you tomorrow, hyung."

"You have to get some rest now. No doing of anything."

My face instantly flushed and my eyelids flickered. He said nothing more than that but why does it seems like I understand what he's trying to tell us? I stared at Baekhyun with my eyes doubling their size and quickly looked away when our gazes met.

"Okay, good night!" he plunged himself on the couch to reach for the phone and ended the facetime before Baekbeom could say more.

And then silence. I stood erect with my eyes skimming the whole living room while Baekhyun was left bending over the couch, fingers fiddling with my phone.

Baekbeom said nothing inappropriate, just simply telling us to go straight to sleep. Yet why did his words made me feel awkward? There's no point in denying it and I know his brother could see that we've been there. I was this awkward back when Baekhyun and I first talked about the kind of intimacy in a relationship. And I was this awkward when, well, we first did things.

After a long silence, I found the courage to break it. "We should go to sleep, my love."

"Yeah, we should." he pushed himself off the couch and hold his hand out to me.

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