Chapter 2

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I think I'm overdressed.

I've been standing on the same spot for half an hour now. My legs are starting to hurt because of the shoes I decided to wear for today, just to match with my outfit. From time to time, I'd look around to see if a car had stopped somewhere near the cafe where Baekhyun usually gets his iced americano.

"I think I'm really overdressed." I whispered to myself as I turned around to face the glass window of the dress shop where I'm standing at to see my own reflection. Is this outfit okay? Am I supposed to follow Baekhyun around wearing this? What if I need to run so many errands for him? My feet will surely hurt.

I was contemplating whether to have the white gloves removed or not. It looks good for the outfit but it needs to go if ever I have to hold something fragile so it wouldn't slip off my hands. I was too immersed at deciding that I didn't know a car stopped behind me and missed how the window rolled down and a head peeking out.


That familiar honey voice was enough to make my heart flutter. I was stunned on my place before I composed myself and turned to my heels with a smile. I thought I was on cloud 9 that I feel like falling backwards after seeing Baekhyun staring at me. There he is! Byun Baekhyun! The love of my life!

His eyes were soft on mine that I wanted to faint and dream those orbs staring at me, forever. His gray hair so messy yet so perfect on him. I can't believe I'll be seeing this art everyday.

"Have you seen someone waiting around here?" he asked with a small smile on his face. Oh shoot! I thought my heart jumped out of my chest. He spoke to me!

"Ah, actually. I have been waiting here for my job. Are you Baekhyun?" calm down, Y/n. You're doing great at pretending you don't know him. I was mentally caressing my own head.

His soft eyes turned serious and I've never seen such hot transition in my entire life! "I am Baekhyun." he answered and his sweet voice turned deep too! Oh my gosh, if I get to see him this hot everyday, I'll never leave this job and I'm dying as his manager.

"Well, I'm your new manager. I was told that you will come to pick me up from here." then I rounded his car while mentally squealing inside because it has been my dream to see his car up close and to have a ride in it. I tried to calm my breathing before opening the door and stepping inside, carefully because I don't want any dirt to get into such sacred vehicle. Once I was seated, I smiled at Baekhyun who's seriously staring straight ahead him. "Anyway, I don't know how to drive, sooo I'm sorry about that."

He scoffs. "Why did they even hire a manager who doesn't know how to drive?" his eyes finally landed on mine. "And why are you dressed like that? What did you expected for your job to be? A secretary? Were you told you're going to be a manager of an idol? You are supposed to follow me around which requires a lot of running since sometimes I'm being chased or I have to ask you to run some errands for me. Seeing you in that outfit, I don't think you can do your job well. If finding me a manager is as serious as getting a decent job in a company, you wouldn't pass for me."

I blinked my eyes at him in shock. Baekhyun... I didn't know he could be this harsh? I thought he never wanted to see his fans hurt. Why is he hurting me now?

Ah, I am not his fan. That is the fact I have to cover up so I will have to work for him.

Also, I remember Lee Sooman saying something about Baekhyun being harsh when he's stress. I can't blame him, his schedules are drowning him and he's so busy that he can't get enough sleep. That's stressing indeed.

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