Chapter 15

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There was a time I thought I could light Baekhyun up when things were dark for him. So he wouldn't wander around in the darkness for so long, so he wouldn't be in despair. That's why I never thought of quitting this job as his manager even after knowing how his lost turned him into, in hopes to bring his light back and make him a happy person once again. When I made him laugh for the first time, I thought I could be that person... At least I tried.

But Jian, has always been Baekhyun's light. I hate to admit that I'm utterly jealous over that fact, but I have to face the truth. The one that makes Baekhyun smile, has always been her. She brought him love and lightened up his life with everything that he liked about her. When Jian was taken away from Baekhyun, that's when everything went south for him. His life suddenly was dull and cold. It was as if only winter and darkness follows him while everyone around were experiencing different kinds of weather and colors of light.

Watching your loved one wandering in the darkness and enduring the cold alone. Someone needs to shine a light for him and warm him up. And that someone is not going to be me. When I realized that, I was indeed in despair. But with my unconditional love for Baekhyun, I'm in more despair seeing him sad and had to accept hatred just because he lost his light.

"Make sure he never meets her."

I was ready to give up my love just so I could see Baekhyun smile again, all the time. But seems like it is not what fate wants to happen.

"But Baekhyun has been in the industry for four years now. Why can't he date yet?"

Sooman looks away, sighing audibly as he thought of words to answer my question. "His dating ban will be lifted once he turns five years under this company. It's in the contract and he clearly knew about it."

No, I'll convince him till he agrees and the moment he does, I'll do my best to cover up for both Jian and Baekhyun. "Baekhyun is drowned with schedules which makes him physically tired, which also makes him feel lonely. Don't you think he need-"

"Y/n," Sooman scooted closer to his desk so he could prop his elbows on it, intertwine his hands together then rest his chin on them. I gulped down the lump on my throat while thinking of new words just to encourage him. He looks at me knowingly and spoke, "You're going to be really persistent about convincing me to allow Baekhyun to date, am I right?"

I pressed my lips for a thin line and looked down before doing a little nod. "I'm looking after him as if he's a kid that needs to be taken care of. That being said, I wanted him to be joyful all the time."

"And you think Jian really loves Baekhyun?" Sooman had that confident look on his face as his eyes stilled on my sad one. "Let me tell you something that may change your mind and that goal of yours."


I marched my way out of the office, huffing. As soon as the door closed I stilled and tried to get my breathing back to its normal pace before I found myself laughing in an offended way.

Ever since I took this damn job, I've been in a rollercoaster of emotions. At first I was in love with Baekhyun and then sad upon knowing what kind of person he really is offstage and mad because of how he treats me and then feeling the need to annoy and fight him back to show him that I'm not weak. When Jian came back, I was sad knowing that he likes her and jealous because she's his former manager who did her job way better than I do (according to Baekhyun himself) and few moments I felt angry that I want to split them apart and then feel sorry for their seemingly tragic love story of being parted years ago that I'm willing to give up my love for Baekhyun just to see him be genuinely good to me.

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