Chapter 52

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A year later...

It's 12 a.m. and I've been watching the door, waiting for Baekhyun. It was the last day of his encore concert, concluding his world tour. He's late for the after-party with all the people involved in the successful tour. I'm actually the one who planned the party but wasn't able to go. I have been stuck at home for three straight days because of a flu, all while Baekhyun's encore concert was happening. And I insisted for him to stay in a hotel instead of going home so he didn't have to travel all the way to the dome, and for him to prevent getting a flu from me.

Of course I had to do that, I didn't want to spread sickness around staff and especially to my Baekhyun. I haven't seen my boyfriend for so long. I think I don't have just a flu, but I'm also lovesick. I used to call it cringe. I never thought it really existed.

Fortunately, this morning, my intense coughing stopped, I can breathe properly again, and I regained my strength . I feel so much better after Baekbeom and his wife came to visit and took care of me while Baekhyun is away. Although most of the time, Seoyul and Siwoo were being told to stay away from me, we still got to play for few hours once I got better before they left to go home earlier.

My body jerked up from the couch once I heard my door password being punched. I was a second away from deciding to wait for him in the hallway. I already couldn't contain the biggest grin when Baekhyun walks in and immediately finds me waiting for him. The tiredness in his eyes disappeared as he smiled back and approach me with his arms wide open.

"My Baekhyunie." I ran to him and threw myself in his arms.

"You waited." he sleepily said against shoulder.

"I just miss you so much, I can't wait for tomorrow to see you."

I yelped when he scoops me up in his arms and I encircled mine around his neck as a reflex. "Well, I'm here now and your stupid flu is gone."

A smile graced my lips and he did take his time looking at my face until I felt the urge to have his lips on mine. So I pulled him close and claimed his lips for a kiss. And he returns a passionate response. I can almost hear him say how much he missed me to the way he kissed me deeply.

"I missed you."

"I missed you more than you do."

I leaned my head to his shoulder, tightening my hold around his neck and I sighed in satisfaction as he walked towards the bedroom.

Oh, to have you right beside me again, my love.


Now that Baekhyun's world tour has ended, we finally got a break and can spend time without having to leave our homes. But he started making videos for his YouTube again since he doesn't have much to do and he wanted to give his fans something, so it's kinda like going on schedules.

"That's the second video I made for this week." he proudly announced as soon as the cameras we turned off.

"Why are you counting them?"

Baekhyun seems to realized that, his face holds an expression as if there's something that I shouldn't know and that what he said might give me a hint. The staffs fell silent and kind of froze from what they're doing. Tension arises, making me even more curious as my innocent eyes skimmed the whole place. They were all staring at me.

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