Chapter 31

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It has been two days since knowing the truth and Baekhyun had never stepped a foot outside his apartment. I check on him every hour and make sure he gets to eat his meals on time, and since I don't know how to cook I order foods for him.

Today, I wasn't able to check on him as I had to leave first thing in the morning. I'm trying to find something that may cheer him up that includes going out.

After asking his friends for advice and suggestions, I came up with a plan to take him out to an art gallery tomorrow. Would it be boring for him to just stroll around and look at some paintings? I don't really know, but I haven't been in an art gallery so I thought of bringing him with me when I'm finally seeing one. Maybe telling him that I have never seen such place might convince him to accompany me.

I went back home as soon as possible, carrying foods and a gift for him to start off with my mission of trying to make him feel better. Though I almost teared up because of how expensive my gift was, the thought that it might at least cheer him up a bit made me buy it in a heartbeat.

I didn't go straight to my apartment, but to his place instead. I pressed the doorbell as a courtesy, incase he's roaming outside the bedroom but still didn't want to see me. The place is as peaceful as it was the moment I left earlier, but there was a difference.

The kitchen is messy. Shoot! I forgot to order foods for him before leaving! He must've tried to make himself breakfast since he didn't have his phone to order. I quickly prepped the food I brought with me and while it's heating, I decided to check on him and he's just on his bed as usual, still laying on his side and back facing my direction.

I was so eager to accomplish something today, working on my mission so hard that I forgot about him.

I got out, only to go back to his room with the things that I need to change the bandaging of his wound. Since it was a deep cut, it will took a while to completely heal but it is fortunately halfway through there. I sat on the space beside him, took his hand to remove the old bandage to start off and so on. Once done, I pressed a kiss on his covered palm, humming until detaching my lips from it. Then I headed out quietly.

When the foods are done and were placed on the table, I left my gift beside his favorite dish and with a sticky note on top of the small box, telling him to cheer up. I hope he remembers what I told him about the strawberry being my love emoji, because I drew one for him to say that... I still unconditionally love him and that I'll stay to help him heal. I just don't have the courage to be straightforward about it, and that's the purpose of my love emoji.

I went back inside his room to wake him up. "Baekhyun," I muttered, poking his cheek gently. "Baekhyun, wake up now."

He still wouldn't budge, even after shaking his shoulders while calling out his name. "Baekkie."

Byun, Baek, Hyun, Baekhyunie, Bacon? I said all of what his fans call him and he still won't wake up. I opened the curtains of his room to let the light in and hit his face, but he still didn't move at all. Giving up, I plopped down on the floor beside the bed where he's facing and rested my folded arms and my head on to the space enough for me to admire him sleeping.

This is probably one of the most peaceful time we have, no fighting and showing that we're displeased with each other's presence. I carefully moved a hand so I could touch his fcae, all while holding my breath. My thumb found its way to his cheek, brushing his skin. "How could you be this... Perfect?" I whispered softly, subconsciously smiling. "Baekhyunie? Wakey wakey." I sang and poked his cheek again, hoping for him to wake up.

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