Chapter 25

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I knocked on the door and waited for the cue to know that I'm allowed in. Once I heard it, I shyly peeked through the crack I made before taking small steps towards Sooman's desk like a student called for detention.

"I guess you're here to talk about-"

"The spreading rumor," I interrupted him. "I got into another scandal with Baekhyun, I guess it's time for you to kick me out of this job." it was followed by a wide, confident grin from me.

He finally lifts his gaze from his laptop screen up to my face and forced his brows to meet in the middle. "Are you trying to leave your job?"

"Uh n-no, I mean, sort of?" I scratched my nape shyly. "I just don't want to stain Baekhyun's image any longer. This is the second scandal he had and it's because of me, I wasn't being careful and I'm a girl."

"So you really want to leave your job?"

"Sadly. It's to protect Baekhyun."

Sooman nodded with his face showing a relaxed expression. Is he going to agree?

"You know you're paying for breaching the contract if you leave your job?"

My eyes bugged out. "What?" I blinked rapidly. "I thought I could leave my job anytime when I could no longer handle Baekhyun?"

"Oh, Y/n. You must've been excited about the salary part and didn't read the entire contract," he pulled a drawer of his desk and took out a familiar paper that I haven't seen in a while now: the original copy of the contract. Sooman cleared his throat as he scans the paper to look for something. "You were allowed to leave your work with the reason that you can no longer handle Baekhyun, within a week. You stayed with him for months now and the fact that you know about Jian is making it hard for me to fire you."

I'm so desperate to leave the job that I thought I could just blurt out whatever to achieve that. "I'm paying."

"Very well," Sooman puts the contract on the table. "You know you're paying an amount that's way more than what you've been receiving."

"What?!" I quickly shook my head. "Nevermind, I'm still-" I was cut off mid sentence when someone literally kicked the door open.

"Don't listen to whatever she's saying!" Baekhyun strode towards Sooman's desk. "She's currently out of her mind." I shifted my head to give him a look of disbelief, he made me sound like I'm crazy.

"I wasn't suspecting her of dating you." Sooman casually answered.

"Not that! Don't fire her."

The elder narrows his eyes at us. "You two are acting suspicious."

By the last word of his sentence, an idea struck my mind. If I can't leave because of the contract, might as well confess and blow my own cover. My hand unintentionally raise itself up in the air to get Sooman's attention. "Suspicious it is! You should fire me because I like-"

"Pizza!" Baekhyun awkwardly chuckles after interrupting me, his palm pressing harder on my mouth. "Aren't netizens too sensitive nowadays? Just because we both like pizza doesn't mean we're something else." I struggled on prying him off me but his arms around my shoulders only tightens.

Sooman stilled his squinting eyes at Baekhyun. "I don't understand what you're saying and how you two being suspicious is going to do with pizza." he sighed, "You can go now. I'm reaching out to the one who posted about the Paris dinner, leave everything to me."

"Thank you," Baekhyun pushed the back of my head so I could bow to Sooman along with him and then he drags me with his hand still covering my mouth, it was like I'm being kidnapped, again. I was whimpering and he sure does know the probability of getting bitten by pressing his palm on my mouth in a way that I could never open it.

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