Chapter 4

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The SMTOWN concert is happening in two days from now but Sooman wanted Baekhyun and I to go to Japan as soon as possible. So after he told me to get my passport and things ready, I rushed back home to prepare for my flight tomorrow.

"Why are you packing?" I tilted my head towards my door and saw my mom walking in with my neatly folded clothes resting on her palms.

"Oh, I'm so excited to pack I forgot to tell you that I'm heading to Japan tomorrow. You know that I'm Baekhyun's manager so I'll have to follow him there."

Mom sat on the edge of my bed and placed my clothes beside her. "Are you okay, Y/n?"

I hummed confusedly. "Of course, Mom. Why would you ask that?"

"I'm just making sure." she says with a smile. "Is Baykhun good to you?" I chortled at the way she pronounces Baekhyun's name.

"Mom, he is not what I think he is!" I told her, voice laced with excitement like a kid ready to tell mom how my day went after picking me up from school. "He is rude! Yesterday, he intentionally spilled the coffee I bought for him and made me clean it!"

Mom nods so I continued. "Today he threw his shirt on my face and it was disgusting! It was wet with his sweat ugh!" I showed her a disgusted expression and she lets out a hearty laugh at that. "But I'm fine with it, mom. Not because he's Baekhyun. Well partly. But I'm willing to endure to help you and dad."

She presses her lips, forming a thin line. Hesitation to speak was written all over her face so I cocked my head to the side with a soft innocent expression etching on my face. It is what I do to encourage her to tell me everything in her mind.

"Your dad and I are planning to move back."


"Not right now. Once I know you're fine here and I'll be at ease knowing you're living a good life, that's when I'm flying back to our country together with your dad." she stands up from my bed. "If you want to go back home, I wouldn't mind. But I'm sure you're staying here now that you could see Baykhun everyday."

I've been dreaming to go back to our country, where I was born. That was back when I know there were low chances of me bumping into Baekhyun in this big city of Seoul. But now that I'm seeing him everyday because I'm his manager, I don't know what to feel. My family and I have been living in Korea since I was in college. It didn't took long for me to embrace living in here but I always thought of going back to where I started.

"I'll think about it."

She hums before walking out of my room. I shook the thought of our topic and went back to packing my things for tomorrow's flight. I wanted everything to be perfect! This isn't the first time I'm flying to a different country but I'm going with Baekhyun!

I couldn't sleep even after a tiring day. Insomnia sucks, indeed. I just laid down on my bed while staring up at the ceiling. Since I'm updated with what Baekhyun is up to, there is no use for me to browse twitter and any other social medias where I used to get some updates regarding him.

But... There are people who could help me sleep! I grabbed my phone from the nightstand and went to the twitter app to tweet. I know a lot of my followers will surely help me and give some advice.

I can't sleep! How do you help yourself to sleep? Let's talk!

I pressed the tweet button and waited for it to be posted. Once up, it took seconds before it was flooded with like and tweets under.

You count from one to thousands, you won't realize you've fallen asleep by that.

I imagine I'm in a relationship with Baekhyun and we're always having sweet moments! It helps me a lot!

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