Chapter 7

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I've been staring at my bandaged leg for too long now, not knowing what's the first thing I should do. After dropping me off to the hospital, Baekhyun immediately left without any word.

My eyes flew to what seems like a nightstand beside the bed where I'm seated. There I saw my damaged phone, making me teary once again. It's one of those things which I treasure the most, especially when it contains my favorite pictures of Baekhyun in several events he went to.

Also, how am I going to contact someone from my family to come and pick me up? It would be fine by me to walk myself to the bus stop but I still have my luggage with me and I had to use crutches so I could move from one place to another. How did all of this unfortunate happenings came to me? Have I been a bad person- or did I really ruined Baekhyun's life like what he said?

How am I ruining his life? I'm just informing him about his next schedule and monitor what he does as it was my job as his manager. I may have fought him, purely out of him fighting me first because of course I'd fight back! It would be unfair if I let myself be low against him. He may be an idol and I'm just his manager, but we're still humans. I think it wasn't that bad for me to have these unfortunate things to happen.

Another sigh for the nth time already, I was about to call for the nurse to ask if I could use their phone when someone suddenly moved the curtains that were surrounding my bed to the side, revealing... Baekhyun?

"What are you doing here? I thought you've left."

He says nothing and places a small paper bag on my lap. I squinted my eyes at it and is that small box inside?

I stared up at him and asked, "What's this?"

"You open it."

And so I reached for the small bag and took the box out. Only to drop it back on my lap accidentally with my eyes pausing on that thing and hands remaining in the air out of shock.

"Y-you don't have to get me this." I stuttered, slowly bringing my eyes on his face with my lips twitching into a nervous smile. Wait, why am I nervous?

Baekhyun huffs silently, then taking the box himself, opened it and pulled the newly bought phone out. He pressed a button on its side and waited for the screen to lit up before handing it to me. "Call someone from your family to pick you up." but since it seems like I didn't want to take the cellphone from him, he grabs one of my hands and puts it on my palm. "I've paid for your bills already and I didn't know which type to get you so I hope you don't mind. I'll get going."

With parted lips, I watched Baekhyun walk away with his hands hidden on the both sides of his coat's pockets. Then my eyes fixated themselves at the phone he had placed on my palm just few seconds ago.

Damn, this is way too expensive than the last one I had!

It took at least 15 minutes before both of my parents came rushing to the hospital to pick me up. Good thing I still have their numbers in my head so I was able to call them through my new phone.

As much as I wanted to be serious right now, I can't help wiggling my brows mentally with the thought that I owned an utterly expensive phone and not just that, Baekhyun and I were now using the same kind! It's like we have couple phones heehee.

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