Chapter 49

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Ever since Baekhyun and I had slept together, we got addicted to it. It's either we spend the night at his apartment or mine, as long as we fall asleep while cuddling; his arms around me, my head on his chest. Everything's going to be okay as long as we're like that.

I woke up to Baekhyun gently stroking my hair, and I didn't want him to stop so I kept my eyes closed as if I'm still fast asleep. I can picture him out laying on his side with an elbow propped against the pillow, his cheek resting on his palm while the other hand smoothing out my hair. It's the Baekhyun that I always woke up to every morning.

"I'm sorry," I felt his hand on my cheek, thumb brushing my skin softly. What is he sorry for? Baekhyun sometimes have something to say that he just can't when I'm awake, or there are things bothering his mind when he can't sleep at night.

"I will always be sorry for how I was to you back then." a heavy sigh. "I can't help but feel sorry every damn time I see you. Especially when you're smiling. How can you smile so bright while looking at me, laugh at my words for you... After everything that I've done?"


I never thought that until now, he's still feeling guilty for the things he did to me. He looks genuinely happy when he makes me smile and that was enough for me. I didn't read through his eyes to know that behind those adoring smile, hides the guilt he feels while looking at me - reminded of how he made me cry, mad, and upset.

He leaves a kiss on my forehead before I feel him leaving the bed. I wanted to stop him and encourage him to talk his thoughts out to me until he feels better and then assure him he's wholeheartedly forgiven for everything he had done in the past. Soon after, I heard the door shutting close and that's when I got up and sadly stared at the door where he disappeared.

I feel bad for not being that kind of girlfriend who can talk to him. Around someone and being sensitive myself like Baekhyun, I've been careful with my words whenever I try to comfort people. I just... I'm not really into words, I'm more into gestures and physical touch. All I could think of when Baekhyun is upset is just cuddle him, and then I feel him getting better. It never failed to improve his mood and take his mind off those thoughts that makes him sad.

But this one, I wanted to be able to talk to him.

I got off the bed and was just about to leave the room when my phone rang from the nightstand. It was my mom, calling me first thing in the morning.

Swiping on the screen to answer, I walked towards the door in my room that leads to the balcony. "Hi mom. Good morning."

"Hello, sweetie. Did I woke you up?"

"No, I just got up." I bent over the railing and rested my arms on it, watching the street slowly getting busy below me.

"I was worried, it's been weeks since the last time you called us."

"Sorry, mom. I... I have been so overwhelmed too that I wasn't able to tell you so soon."

"Tell me what?"

I trapped my lower lip in between my teeth, trying my best not to feel hesitant about telling her. She's my mom and there's nothing that I can hide from her. After all, I think she can help me with my problem. Give advice on how do I try to convince Baekhyun to talk to me and the perfect way to comfort him.

"Baekhyun is my boyfriend. I mean, we have been dating."

Silence. I kind of expected that. Internally, I counted to five but before reaching the last number, mom recovered from the shock.

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