Chapter 26

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"You said you came here for a business trip, why didn't you come straight to meet me?"

"Business meeting was awaiting for me as soon as I landed, that's why I couldn't meet you." France took the banana peel I had placed on my table to throw it in the trash. "So I thought of sending you gifts instead, to let you know." he winks at me and turns away to get me some water.

"You're in a business trip, I'm sure you had a lot to do regarding business things and you're currently a busy man. How did you manage to be here to look after me?" I cocked my head to the side.

He turns around to look at me and places both of his hands on his hips. "You're quite curious, aren't you?" he then chuckles. "I cancelled all my schedules so I could be here."

"What?!" my jaw dropped. "Why did you do that? You should've been doing your work!"

I can't believe this! Why are people suddenly cancelling something important because of me? First, Baekhyun and his plans to spend time with his mom. Then France ditching his work schedules which seems very important. I mean nothing to these people, I'm just a... Girl, and nothing else. I'm not a star nor a CEO of a company or a princess for them to miss something just because they have to be around me. Now I'm feeling a lot worst, knowing that these men missed something important, because I'm being a burden.

"I chose to be here," France softly says as he puts the glass of water in front of me. "Don't feel bad. Besides, I have my secretary to take over my position for awhile."

That relieved me. His intention of going here is for his business, I didn't want to be the one that'll mess whatever his work had just because the boss is right here to look after me instead of doing what he's supposed to be doing.

I jumped a bit when I suddenly heard France's phone ringing from the living room of the room. He strode to grab the device and swiped a finger on the screen, seemingly ending the call as the phone went silent.

"Who was it?"

"Just from work," he slips the phone in his pocket. He tried to make it sound like nothing's wrong but I think he's underestimating my ability to read through his expression. Something's wrong with his work and doesn't want to acknowledge it, because of me.

"France, if it's important, you can leave me here."

"No, not until I'm sure someone's looking after you here, sweetheart." he took the table away from my bed after making sure that I've finished the glass of water.

I giggled, "I'm not a baby. Just go."

He sighs in defeat. "I'll have to at least call Baekhyun." he pulls out his phone once again and tapped on the screen.

As soon as he had it pressed on his ear, the door suddenly opens and Baekhyun was seen walking into the room, holding his phone in his hand. A perfect timing, really.

"Do you really have to call?" Baekhyun frowns.

"You came just in time," France quickly grabs his coat from the backrest of the couch and marches towards Baekhyun, then grabbing his shoulder for an encouraging gesture. "Need to go, business matters."

Baekhyun nods at him. "Of course."

France took one final glance at me and beams before running to the door and closing it along the way as he left. The atmosphere suddenly feels heavy, it was as if I'm in a same room with a stranger instead. From the door where the other male disappeared, Baekhyun's eyes slowly wandered to meet mine, he sighs; a relieved one. He then quietly makes his way to the living room and slumped himself on the couch.

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