Chapter 17

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The moment I've entered SM Entertainment's building, Doyeon and Soomi were the first ones I saw. With upraised hand, I greeted them with a cheerful squeal and bolted my way to where they are.

"Guess who just had a dinner with the nation's soloist, Do Kyungsoo?" I ended my question with a jazz hand gesture.

Doyeon's lips turned round while Soomi looked confused scratching her head. "You had a dinner with Kyungsoo?!" the former asked in pure amusement, eyes now widening.

I nodded boastfully as an answer and even dusted one side of my shoulder with a smug look on my face.

Soomi seemed to recover from her confusion. "Wow! Is he handsome?"

Popping both of my thumbs up, I responded, "Very handsome."

They both squealed giddily by that and I joined them a second after. We started talking about the dinner and how beautiful Kyungsoo's voice sounded as I listened to it for the entire night. I also told them about how Baekhyun probably faked his sickness to excuse himself and for Kyungsoo and I to have the dinner by ourselves.

"Ooh, he's turning a softie for you." Soomi teasingly elbowed me and Doyeon does the same on my other side and even poked it, to which of course tickled me. "This is what I've been expecting since you got hired as Baekhyun's manager. A love story." Soomi continues.

"What love story? Ew! I can't like him, I'll lost this job if ever."

"Then love him secretly, duh?" I've been there. I wanted to tell her those words but this isn't the right place so I have to keep this to myself for now.

Doyeon seemed lost, staring straight ahead and ignoring how I'm ready to jump at Soomi just so she could stop teasing me. It was until she spoke, "Hey, speaking of the devil." and she gently nudged me with her elbow.

I tilted my head to look where she's staring at and saw Baekhyun walking up to our group. A quiet gasp comes out from me as I faced him, greeting him with a smile. Doyeon and Soomi steps back as soon as he stood right in front of me.

"Hi." then a wide, idiotic grin showing all of my teeth.

Baekhyun gives me a bored look. "I hate how excited you look."

"Oh, coming from you who ditched the meeting so I could spend the whole dinner with Kyungsoo, knowing that you ruined my chance of seeing his concert." I wiggled my brows. "I'm so thankful to you that I could kiss you."

The sound of someone clearing their throats from behind me, was heard. I froze, eyes widening a bit when it dawned into my head that Doyeon and Soomi were left standing few inches away from my back. Fudge, I cursed mentally. It makes me hyper everytime I get reminded that the meeting last night really happened, I couldn't stop myself from saying anything without actually thinking of the words coming out of my mouth. I think that's why I blurted out such embarrassment.

"Hehe." I let out an awkward laugh, waving both of my hands. "I was just kidding."

When Baekhyun was about to speak, I didn't give him the chance to and spoke off first. "You said you felt sick, let me..." I reached for his forehead and pressed a palm on it, I stuck my other palm on my own forehead as a way to compare our temperatures.

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