Chapter 21

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Continuation of the previous chapter's flashback.

The flashback time is Baekhyun's side of story during chapter 18.



Hana and I left the building and hopped into the van that'll take us to my next schedule. I noticed how Hana would tense on her seat, feet anxiously bouncing against the floor while her eyes roamed outside the window of the vehicle.

She's probably scared of me, being one of those staffs who saw how I'd rudely treat people around me back when I still haven't found Jian. Not wanting to scare her more and prove that I'm not the same person from before, I never opened my mouth to start any conversation with her. That's to make her feel comfortable until I get to earn her trust that I won't be rude to her.

As time passes, the need to talk is taking a toll on me. Even when I would just glance at her, she'd flinch, close her eyes and clasp her hands while muttering a prayer to herself. That made me feel like I was really a terrible person enough to make her pray and hope that I won't hurt her.

If she's intimidated as she had seen how I was rude to anyone before, I am more intimidated by how she's scared of me when I'm literally just breathing.

"Uh," I broke the awkward silence and sent her a small assuring smile, hoping to ease her anxiety. "What's my next schedule?"

"H-huh?" her eyes rapidly twinkled in confusion. "That... I don't know I was chosen to be your temporary manager and I was informed just this morning so I really don't know what should I do." she blurts out without pausing that she ended up catching her breath.

Sensing my disbelief as my gaze stilled on her, she started praying once again.

"Nevermind." I waved off and took my phone to see the file of my schedules that Y/n had sent me. "Okay, I'll be having an interview. We will go there."

"Where?" the van driver asked, staring at me through the rearview mirror.

"To where the interview is taking place?" my brows knitted at him. "You don't know where?"

"Y/n is the one who tells me where your schedules are happening. Try to see if she sent the place."

She blocked my number! I gritted my teeth out of frustration that my jaw clenched, my grip around my phone tightened as anger slowly takes over my body. Then I realized that I didn't want to scare this other manager here so I fluttered my eyes close and took deep breaths to regain my composure and calm myself down.

And that's how I missed two of my schedules today. Hana was just a staff randomly chosen by Sooman to stand as my manager and didn't have any idea about how being a manager works, I can't blame her for that but the situation is so frustrating!

I scanned the file of my schedules. Seeing it only reminded me of the past, I think I can do this on my own, considering that I've been in a situation in which I wasn't accompanied by a manager for trying to get rid of them every time Sooman managed to hire one.

Right, I used to go to my schedules alone. This should be piece of cake.

Later that night, I told Sooman to let Hana do her usual job as a staff and that I could go to my schedules alone, also to never even try getting me a new manager as he sucked at choosing one. It was surprising that he agreed almost immediately as if I didn't matter at all and I could do whatever I want. He used to be very strict when it comes to what I do, I wonder what happened now that he seems to be neglecting me and even chose a random staff as a manager when he used to have qualifications to be hired.

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