Chapter 42

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I have been pressing the doorbell way too many times and I get no answer. I was getting worried every second, so I decided to open the door for myself and ran into the house, only to see Jongdae and his girlfriend fighting. They immediately stopped when they saw me standing by the door.

"Y/n... I'm sorry you have to see us like this." she exhales deeply and massaged her temples. "Everything's just-" she wasn't able to finish when a cry was heard. Without a word, she retreated to where the nursery was, leaving me and Jongdae alone in the living room.

Through the silence, I can feel how frustrated Jongdae is as several exasperated sighs keeps on coming out of him.

"I'm sorry..." I started, grabbing Jongdae's attention. "It was Baekhyun."

Ridges appeared on his forehead. "What do you mean?"

A palm found my mouth and I just cried. "I don't know why, he said he was the one who took those photos." I managed to say in between my sobs. "I'm sorry, this is all my fault."

Jongdae tried to ease me by smiling wit assurance as he stepped closer and takes my hand in his. "Why do you think that it's your fault?"

"I'm the one who's handling Baekhyun, he's my responsibility." I couldn't bring my eyes to look at him, too humiliated to stand in front of him as Baekhyun's manager. "I don't want you to be excluded in We Are One. You are supposed to tell your fans after the show ends." I wailed.

"Hey," he pulls me closer for a hug, one hand coming up to the back of my head and gave it a gentle caress. "I will make sure that I'm staying for We Are One, okay? Don't cry."

For the past days while Baekhyun and I are still in the middle of a fight, I spend mostly of my time with Jongdae's family in their home. It's either I'm catching up with him, have a nice cup of tea and conversation with his soon-to-be wife, or looking after their months old baby girl.

It was relaxing to get away from all those manager things I usually do everyday and each of them has their own way of relieving my stress. Also, by spending my time with them, I receive lessons and insights about being in a relationship and about family that I can use once it's my turn to step a foot on that stage of my life.

Which is why this family is special to me and I have to protect each and one of them. Baekhyun really had to ruin everything and its reason is something that I have to find out.

As soon as I reached the apartment building, I went straight to his unit, and barged in without a notice. Baekhyun was pacing around the the living room while biting on his fingertips, he briskly moves his eyes to me marching towards him.

I had my hand upraised, too sure he's about to receive the second slap he'll get from me. But my mind instantly changed when he shut his eyes close and pursed his lips, anticipating for it instead of avoiding it. My hand shakily curled into a tight fist, nails digging painfully on my palm. Rather than a slap, I ended up hitting my fist on his chest.

"Answer me," I heaved out. "Why did you do that?!"

"Do it, hit me." he says, seemingly unfazed and his eyes remained close.

That only fueled the anger in me. "I could slap some senses in you later, depending on the reason why you did that. Now answer me." still no response, my fist found his chest once again. "Answer me!"

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