Chapter 48

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"But that's breaching of contract, Y/n."

"That's exactly why you can't tell anyone, hyung. Especially teacher Sooman." Baekhyun interjected when I was about to answer, then he glance at me worriedly.

"Lay hyung, I have never been so in love. I don't want history to repeat itself, although this is entirely different from the past. Hyung, you've seen what happened before, right?"

Lay sighs. "Of course I won't tell. I'm just genuinely worried for the two of you." then he looks at me with adoration and gentle smile that his dimples showed up. "Especially for Y/n. You wouldn't like to see an angry Sooman firing you."

"Definitely. And I don't like being yelled at." just by thinking about an enraged Sooman is giving me goosebumps. I was already scared to the bones when he wasn't in the mood, how scared I would be if he yells at me?

"Now I'm gonna try my best to help you on keeping your relationship. Am I the only one who knows?"

Baekhyun and I nodded. "Not even our friends and families do." his brows then creased after saying those, as if he just realized that.

"I will keep it to myself." he sticks a palm on his chest.

The studio door opened all of a sudden and I jumped from my seat, head snapping to the person who appeared right before our eyes. My heart literally stopped beating for a second, surprised that I thought it's someone else but it's just Yixing's manager.

"Is there an idol-manager meeting that I'm missing?" he walks into the room to join us with a huge smile.

"Oh, no. It's about helping Y/n and Baekhyun on hiding their relationship."

Baekhyun and I stared at Yixing with disbelief in our eyes. While his manager gawked at us, his expression mixed with amusement and horrified at the same him.

Yixing just said... He's keeping it to himself.

Though the managers had been teasing me to Baekhyun after knowing that my relationship with France was all but a lie, they know that falling in love with my artist (or another way around) will cost me my job - one of the things I don't want to lose. To know out how much our relationship had changed from platonic idol-manager to romantic might be the last thing they expected to find out, knowing how much Baekhyun hated me ever since I was the only manager who managed to stay.

"You can trust my manager like how you can trust me. We can keep it to ourselves." then Yixing turns to his manager. "Right?"

"Yeah, of course!" he shakes off the shock on his face, already grinning when he turned to me. "I'm like... So happy for you, Y/n! I always knew you have heart eyes for your artist." he draws a heart in the air, his face drawing an expression that he's making fun of me.


"That's enough for today," Yixing chuckles as he stood up. "I still have schedules for today. I guess we have to go?"

"As you should. Thanks for today, hyung."

Once Yixing and his manager had left, we sat still. I'm trying to process what just happened. Since Baekhyun and I have agreed on not telling at least one person about our relationship (for now), aren't we supposed to be extremely careful? Now two persons found out in just a day.

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