Chapter 5

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"Ugh! I wish I did ignored you all when Chanyeol called me!" Baekhyun groans, wrapping both of Chanyeol's arms around his neck from behind him.

I did the same to Sehun. "I'm glad you didn't!" then I stuck my tongue out to annoy him.

He hisses and drags the drunk Chanyeol out of the restaurant through a failed piggy back since the younger is taller than him. So his feet were brushing against the ground while Baekhyun attempts on carrying him on his back. I trailed behind with Sehun sticking on my back, just like how is Chanyeol on Baekhyun's.

These giants lost track of the bottles they drank. Now they're wasted enough to forget they have an image to protect and a rehearsal to attend tomorrow. Good thing there were no fans or normal citizens around who recognized them that we safely got to place SeChan into the backseat of a taxi to go back to the hotel.

I was squished in between Sehun and Chanyeol's flushed bodies while Baekhyun took the passenger's seat for himself. Selfish, I grunted in my mind and rolled my eyes behind his figure staring straight ahead. All of us were quiet while waiting to arrive at our destination.

I still don't get it. Baekhyun called me a stealer for what? I don't remember stealing something from him. Was it sitting on his lap? Am I the first person who've done it that it seems to be his virginity to be considered stolen? All throughout the ride, I tried to figure out what he meant by his words and it occupied my whole mind until we reached the hotel.

"Sehun." I sang while tapping his cheek gently in attempt to wake him up. "Bbiyak Bbiyak! Please don't make this hard for me and wake up!"

"They won't be waking up until the morning." Baekhyun retorts from the other side of the door. He pulls Chanyeol by the hand until his whole body is out of the vehicle and proceeds to drag him all the way inside the building.

A defeated sigh was heard coming from me before I stepped out of the taxi to pull Sehun out. I was so focused on how to do it that I failed to notice how the driver exited the vehicle and went beside me.

"Do you need help?" he asked with his Japanese accent, but enough for me to understand.

"Yes, please." I pursed my lips shyly. Good thing I know some basic Japanese words to answer him.

I gave way for the driver so he pulls Sehun out of the taxi and made him wrap an arm around his shoulder, he supported his body by encirling his own arm on Sehun's waist. Of course it would be too rude if I won't do anything so I helped him by doing the same on Sehun's other side. We started walking towards the hotel, passing by Baekhyun struggling alone with Chanyeol's huge body on his back. He looks at me in disbelief and I just ignored him, not in the mood for another petty fight.

Once we've reached the entrance of the hotel, we stopped walking and tried to keep Sehun up on his feet. "We can stop by here, we'll just ask for help from the hotel staffs."

"Are you sure?" he was hesitant when he lets go of Sehun's waist and removed the younger's arm around his shoulder.

"Of course. Thank you so much for helping."

And with that, he left. Just in time Baekhyun reached the spot where I'm standing with Sehun slumping against my side.

"Now what?" he asks irritably while trying to keep Chanyeol standing by letting him lean on his back.

"We ask for help, duh?" I rolled my eyes and they landed on the security guards in front of the very entrance. "Since you know how to speak Japanese, how about you ask for help from those guards over there?"

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