Chapter 35

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"I'm gonna die! I'm gonna die! Aaaah!"

"It's not funny."

He's looking at me, annoyed, while I scrunched up my face and shook my head, mimicking his words just to tease him. We just got off the Rollercoaster and I'm still cracking up at how Baekhyun screamed during the entire ride. Good thing everyone who rode with us were too scared to notice that it's an idol screaming along with them.

We have tried several rides after the Ferris Wheel. Since we don't want to get so much attention, we can't get into those extreme ones as everyone has their eyes on them. Also, both Baekhyun and I can't take such rides or we'll faint in the middle of it.

Still chuckling, I strode to catch up with his huge steps. "That was hysterical." Baekhyun huffs and even walked faster to leave me behind. "Aww, don't be shy about that, I was scared and screaming too." he only ignores me.

"Such a baby," I mouthed and pulled my phone out of my pocket, pressing the camera to take pictures of the sulking Baekhyun. "My man is upset." I switched into recording him trying to get away from me as fast as possible.

He was looking down, his cap partially covering his eyes and he must be so focused on getting away that he didn't see the girl coming up and bumped into her. "I'm sorry," he deepened his voice for it to be unrecognizable as he picked up the things that fell from the girl's arms. "I wasn't looking, I apologize."

"It's okay." she smiles and took her things from Baekhyun's hands. My eyes widened when her hand grazed over his and she looked up to meet his orbs with her sparkling ones. Girly giggles were heard somewhere ahead of them and when my eyes found where it came from, it was a group of girls looking at them as if they're manifesting for their seemingly love story to go on.

Oho! That's my man! I strode towards them and immediately wrapped my arms around Baekhyun's arm that was holding out to the girl, he didn't have any choice but to let go just so I could properly clung on to him. I tilted my head to look at the girl, raised my brow, eyes running up and down in a manner that I'm judging her whole existence, and while cryptically telling her to back off.

She gives me a dirty look and twirls around before stomping her way back to her group of friends. As soon as the group had vanished from our sights, awkwardness took over. My arms tensed around Baekhyun's and my head that was still tilting to the side, stiffened.

It was kind of rude for me to tease him like that - actually I just don't have any idea how to get away with this awkwardness. I took a deep breath before turning to look at him, pressed one side of my cheek on his bicep and twinkled my eyes at him cutely accompanied by my lower lip pushed for a childlike pout. Ah, whatever! He was never swayed with what I usually show him, might as well try something he never saw from me before.

Instead, disbelief filled in his expression when he realizes that I'm trying to act cute, his mouth fell agape as his eyes stilled on mine. "What the... Hell?"

I guess no matter how hard I'd try to sway him with my charms, it would never work. I will never be that someone he'll like to be able to do so. I quickly untangled myself from him, avoided his gaze to look around and find something to help myself in getting away from what the heck I just did.

As my eyes roamed, I caught a glimpse of a kid holding an ice cream in her hand. I do need something cold that will cool down my whole being heating up. Without a second thought, I sprinted away from Baekhyun, cursing under my breath while figuring out where to buy that ice cream.

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