Chapter 37

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"You didn't mean that, don't you?"

I rotated my head to look at France, but he kept his eyes on the road. "I... I'm sorry."

"It's okay, sweetheart." he glances at me with his delicate eyes. Now I feel bad for asking him to go on a date with me for the sake of Baekhyun's career. So I'm basically playing with his feelings, taking advantage of it without the guarantee of returning something.

He must have noticed how bothered I am and decided to initiate the conversation to pull me out of my thoughts. "We only have few hours left, do you think you can still show me around?"

"What do you mean few hours left? I have all the time, I don't have work tomorrow."

"That may be the case, but you have a curfew," he laughs a bit. "Do you know what Baekhyun and I talked about when you found us?"

Confused, I stared at him as if my eyes were asking in behalf of my mouth.

"He told me that I'm allowed to take you out, but should get you home before 10 PM." it was followed by a breathy chuckle. "You think you're the only one who has the manager role in between you two?"

I looked outside the window and smiled to myself. One thing I know for sure is that Baekhyun somehow cares for me despite having to avoid me.

I realized that we're both doing everything just for us to stay the way that we are — the chaotic pair of idol and manager, whose daily quarrels were anticipated by many. Funny how I get annoyed by seeing people fight each other, but I'm so willing to have those petty fights with Baekhyun everyday. If he breathes by ruining my day, I live off of firing back at him.

"So, what made you say that?"

I pursed my lips. "Uhm... I am trying to stay in my job as Baekhyun's manager, but we've been looking suspicious while going out to look some things that he could use for his song. Fans who managed to see us, thought he's dating me. Now those fans were threatening us that they'll spread the photos they secretly took." France attentively listened to my explanation, briefly staring at me or nodding his head to encourage me to go on. "I had to make those fans believe that I'm dating someone, in order not to harass both me and Baekhyun. I'm sorry for using you, I-"

"Hey, it's fine Y/n. As long as it's for your sake, I'd be fine with it."

I sent him a rueful smile and returns a sweet one. I'm sorry if you have to be dragged along with our problem, France.

After a while in the car and walking inside an establishment, we found ourselves standing in front of an arcade's entrance. France was shyly scratching the back of his neck and would anxiously steal glances at me. For a second, I thought he wants to leave and go somewhere else instead.

"Uh, are we going in?"

He breathes out in relief, one hand coming up to his chest. "I thought you'd tell me it's lame. I have always wanted to try going to an arcade but being a busy man, I couldn't."

Right, he dedicated his life into his company that he never had time to go out and have fun, not even dating. I don't think I would last a day if I were to live like France. Not being able to have fun or feeling your heart flutter for someone, just do business in my whole life? A person like me would rather die than do paper works for the rest of my life.

I beamed at him. "It's not lame. I actually thought it's cute."

"I only see it in TV shows, but I will do everything to get you a stuffed fruit from that claw machine." he points a finger at a claw machine filled with fruit plushies.

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