Chapter 20

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Italicized = flashback



It's been a couple of minutes since we left the restaurant and none of us had exchange any words. I had my eyes down on my feet with a childlike pout etching on my lips. My heart felt heavy about how the reunion turned out but remembering how Baekhyun came to my rescue... Maybe I feel a little bit better now.

He must've want to distract me from thinking about what happened earlier at the restaurant but when he's about to open his mouth to speak, I did it first. "I know, I'm ugly. You don't have to say it."

A hint of surprise flashed past his eyes as he stole a glance at me before bluntly saying, "I hate you."

My bit my bottom lip and tilted my head away from him to look outside the window of his car.

"I hate your guts, your confidence, every time your threats really scared me. I hate seeing you excited over something that makes you happy while I'm miserable all by myself. And most of all, I hate that you're my manager." he paused to clear his throat and continued, "But I never thought you're unattractive and ugly."

I dug my teeth deeper against my lip to stop myself from catching my breath, nearly sobbing at the harshness of his words included in the first statement. I blinked my eyes rapidly to refrain my tears from forming at the thought that despite hating every fiber and inch of me, he at least never thought I'm not good-looking.

Too overwhelmed, I never said a word, spending the entire journey with us covered in deafening silence.

We arrived at SM and the first person who greeted us upon our entrance is Lee Sooman. Baekhyun and I walked up to him and bowed to show respect to the elder.

"Just in time..." his voice trailed off and his eyes travelled down on the dress and heels I'm wearing and then at Baekhyun's casual outfit, which I just realize that we have matching colors for our set of clothes. We looked like a couple on a date. Sooman looks at us knowingly, ridges appearing on his forehead.

Needless to say, I explained, "I came here straight from a lunch reunion with my classmates from highschool." then I glimpsed at Baekhyun as a cue for him to give his answer.

Sooman rotated his head to look at him and twitched one of his brows up as he waited for him to speak.

"I came to pick her up." he nonchalantly answered.

"Okay," he gives us a satisfied nod. "Just making sure."

I know what he meant by those words and that satisfied nod also means something. He was suspicious of our matching colored outifts and thought we arrived at the company building after a date; he's satisfied to the fact that his suspicions weren't true at all. If that's how Sooman reacted to us wearing something that one may mistook us as a couple, imagine if he knows I'm in love with Baekhyun. I'll be fired right in front of him in a second.

We followed behind Sooman and he led us to the conference room. For a second, I was contemplating to go inside that room, thinking that something might happen again. Every time I step a foot in the conference room, unfortunate things would follow after. It is where our showdowns happened; fought with Baekhyun and confronted him with his attitude; where Kyungsoo invited me to his concert only to miss it; where we both are when he knew I was his fan.

There were staffs seated on the chairs surrounding the table and has been waiting for Baekhyun and I to arrive before starting the meeting. When I took a seat and so did Baekhyun, the meeting started right away.

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