Chapter 19

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"Stop!" I smacked his hand and he accidentally drops the watering can on the ground. "You're drowning him, Oh Sehun!"

"I'm sorry!" Sehun yelled back at me, sounding hurt as he held the same hand up and pouted.

"Keep it down you two!" Chanyeol screams from inside the house. "Why are you screaming?!" he added and goes out to point a broom at both Sehun and I.

"Hyung... You were screaming too."

"Oh," Chanyeol then giggles. "Okay." and he happily skips his way inside. I could just shake my head at his cuteness and because of gratefulness that he's here.

Sehun, Chanyeol, and Baekhyun had decided to help me clean and fix the house. We found out from a neighbor that the ones who broke in has been staying as if they owned the house while my parents and I were in a hotel to spend quality time together. There were two of them and they were caught just this morning. I don't know how that happened, I just woke up to that news through a phone call from Baekhyun who left me alone in his apartment.

"So," Sehun picked up the watering can and carefully poured on the plant. "I heard you stayed for the night at Baekhyun hyung's?"

"Yeah," I casually answered and intently watched how he poured the water down so he wouldn't drown the plants. "I actually thought he'd do nothing and leave me crying."

"I'm surprised he suggested that. Knowing him, he doesn't like you."

"Well I guess he does have a heart." that made Sehun and I chuckle but soon died down when I whined, "You're drowning it again!" he quickly removes the can above the potted plant and whispered an apology.

I was supposed to be the only one who should fix the plants and the rest of the boys were assigned inside and to the furnitures but Sehun ditched the other two and helped me with replanting and watering the plants. While Chanyeol is a degree holder for Interior Designing, he volunteered on improving the insides of the house and Baekhyun helped him with that. Yixing also wanted to help but he's currently in China so he couldn't.

Though I'm planning to stay in a smaller place such as an apartment, we're fixing the house incase my sister would come to spend Chuseok with me. After getting married to her long time boyfriend, she moves out to live with him in another country and goes back here with her husband from time to time to visit our parents. I don't know if she'd still visit now that they've left.

The least that she could do is to check on me to see if my love life has improved huhu. I'm mocked for being single while my sister, who's younger than me, is married. If my standards weren't that high as what I've seen in Baekhyun- my thoughts were cut short as soon as I lifted my eyes to look inside the window and see Baekhyun making a funny face. "What the heck." I frowned, he rolls his eyes at me and goes back to whatever he's doing.

"Hyung is weird." Sehun admitted. "There are times that I couldn't understand him."

"Me too." I agreed, followed by a chuckle.

After replanting, watering outside with a little bit of joking around, Sehun and I proceeded inside the house and help around Chanyeol and Baekhyun. After what felt like days, the whole house is as good as new. They plopped themselves on the couch, obviously looking exhausted so I prepared some snacks for them.

"Thank you so much, boys." I said, placing the tray with foods and drinks down the coffee table in front of them. "This totally made me feel better."

"Anything for you. What are friends for, right?" Chanyeol took a glass of juice from the tray, I watched him execute such move with a small smile etched on my face.

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