Chapter 50

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Once I was done changing into my clothes, Doyeon, Soomi, and I went out of the dressing room and immediately found the staffs gathering in front of Baekhyun. He's still standing on the same spot where I last saw him earlier.

"I would like to say few words before we start filming." he was stuttering, his hands shaking a little as he gestured for everyone to gather around. My friends and I exchange confused glances but went to follow after the rest anyway.

When Baekhyun saw me joining the crowd, it's like he suddenly gained some strength and the anxiety in his eyes decreased, hint of confident taking over him. Although I have no idea what's going on and what is this all about. I smiled at him to let him know he has my full support.

People could be heard murmuring, confusedly asking about why would Baekhyun gather like this, or sharing their own thoughts of what they think is this sudden gathering all about. Once Baekhyun cleared his throat, everyone fell silent.

He takes a deep breath before speaking, "I... I would like to acknowledge how I was to each and one of you, for the past three years." Baekhyun glances at me and then back at the crowd.

"I admit to being rude because of the wrong person. While it's not a valid reason to treat you all like shit, I hope you understand that I was blinded by what I thought was pure love." his eyes glides from staff to staff until they find mine. Baekhyun heaves out and continued, "As someone who was not allowed to have such feelings while I'm paving my way to where I stood right now, I was easily overwhelmed with the emotions I grew for that person who stayed beside me till I made it up the stage."

No wonder why Baekhyun fell in love with me, too. Even when I'm the person he hated the most. I'm the one who stood still beside him despite treating me bad, looked after him accompanied by my genuine love, and most of all being his fan from the very start. Like what he said, he was easily swayed by Jian who stayed beside him. He probably grew feelings for me because I did the same.

But unlike Jian, my love for Baekhyun is real and I won't ever betray him like what his former manager did.

"I sincerely apologize to all of you. For the things I have done to you, for everything. It was so wrong of me to treat you badly in attempt to get someone back. Rest assured that I am not the same Baekhyun who was rude to all of you before."

I swear my heart jumped when he turns to me. "Also, I want to apologize to my manager who suffered the most while sticking around me during those times I'm putting up my worst facade. Y/n... I'm really sorry."

I usually look away from people when I can feel my tears threatening to fall. But I can't seem to blink my eyes nor tilt my head and miss seeing this sight of this Baekhyun. The kind of Baekhyun that I want everyone to see, to make them believe that he's not the worst person to ever walk in this world. And that people are really capable of change.

"Words aren't enough to show how sorry I am. To make it up, I will do my best for this project we're all working on together - a smooth process to its perfection. Once again, I apologize." and he bend his body for a formal bow and stayed that way.

None of us were able to react, still surprised with Baekhyun's apology. I saw Baekhyun shutting his eyes close and nibbling on his lip anxiously, his body still inclined. I assume he's thinking that his apology isn't accepted when I can hear Doyeon and Soomi whispering how his words melted their hearts.

I had to initiate a reaction and slowly clapped my hands, catching everyone's attention.

"Apology accepted, Baekhyun. Thank you..." I couldn't find my words anymore, I didn't know what to say. I'm too overwhelmed. Especially when everyone started clapping along with me.

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