Chapter 44

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"You are a fast learner." Sehun compliments as he relaxed on his seat while keeping his eyes on the road. "I expected that I'd be screaming all the time, telling you to not go so fast."

"I think you underestimated my ability to learn, teacher Oh."

"I told you to stop calling me to that." he whines. "And I never underestimated your ability to learn, I have trust in you too."

"Thank you, it's motivating me."

It was a smooth drive when the car suddenly shook, slightly throwing us forward. I stepped on the gas and though the engine roared, the car still won't move.

"Push the gas, Y/n." Sehun instructed.

"I am pushing, Sehun." I repeated my action but to no avail, we stilled on the same spot.

Sehun rolls the window down and peeked his head out. "I'm gonna go check." he goes out and walked to the back of the car while I'm eyeing him through the rearview mirror.

"It's stuck in the mud!" he yells from outside. Whimpering with a frown, I slumped my head on the steering wheel. Baekhyun won't kill me for getting his car stuck in a mud, right? He likes me anyway and couldn't bring himself to be mad at me these days no matter how much I try to annoy him. Though the idea of taking the van to work seems to make him feel less comfortable, now that we're flirting he does want privacy when he's with me.

Sehun went to my side and I rolled the window to ask, "What are we going to do?"

"I'll push the car while you do the thing." I nodded my head and Sehun retreated to the back of the car. From the rearview mirror, I waited for his cue and once I saw him raising his thumb, I pushed the gas. It took a least a minute before the car moved forward, much to my surprise.

"Sehunie, we did it!" I exclaimed, throwing my hands in the air to show how happy I am. Sehun not celebrating with me feels weird, so when I tilted my head to check on him I couldn't help but scream. He was covered in mud all the way to his face and down to his shirt.

He obviously isn't happy with it as he kept his eyes closed to avoid getting mud in them and his arms were hanging lifelessly beside him. I took a generous amount of paper towel with me before climbing out of the vehicle to check on him closer. "I don't think you can enter the car for now." I said, wiping the mud covering his eyes so he could open them.

Sehun exhales.

"But we can go back. We passed by a lake earlier, you can wash up there. And I can practice making a U turn along the way." I grinned in attempt to ease him. "I'm sorry, Sehun. I-"

I was caught off guard when he suddenly wiped his mud-filled hand right on my face!

"Sehun-ah!" he only burst out laughing as a respond to that.

"Now go and drive yourself back to the lake you spotted. I'll be walking behind you since I'm really covered in mud and didn't want Baekhyun hyung to go crazy." he pushes me back to the driver's seat. "This time, you'll be learning to control the speed. Make it slow that I could catch up with you. Remember, I'm walking."


I did a perfect turn, too much for a first timer and without my guide beside me. Sehun cheers from outside the car and I smiled at him through the mirror. "You're doing great, Tink! Keep it up."

With a slow pace and Sehun tailing behind, I managed to drive back to the lake we saw earlier. Sehun immediately ran towards the little pier as I was parking the car. When I got out, I suddenly remember Baekhyun's things that were left in the trunk. Since he's been rehearsing these days, I'd always insist to bring some extra clothes for him to change into when he gets too sweaty.

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