Chapter 13

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The schedule for today is a magazine photoshoot. I went together with Baekhyun after picking me up from home which shocked me the most, first thing in the morning. He never informed me that he's going to my house so early that I stepped out to check if my mom is telling the truth with eye boogers and dried drool all over my face.

"Next time, do tell me if you have plans on fetching me. Don't come unannounced like that."

Baekhyun lets out a laugh, covering his mouth with a palm. "Do you always look like that after waking up?" and another set of laughter erupted from him, his makeup artist Doyeon who's doing his face, tried to stop herself from giggling.

I literally felt my blood pressure rising as I slumped down on the couch and folded my arms across my chest. Just when I thought I'd finally have the peace after Baekhyun shamelessly revealed what I looked like when he saw me earlier, the dressing room door opened and a familiar figure emerges. Even without tilting my head to check, I could tell that she's the one who came.

"Hi Baekyoong!" Jian greets, lowering her sunglasses as she walks in. She immediately approaches Baekhyun who's sitting in front of the dresser that Doyeon has to step aside when the bacon leaves his seat so he could walk up to Jian and grin at her.

"You came just in time."

"I missed seeing you being styled before the shoot." she fixes the collar of his shirt and dusted one side of his shoulder. "Good old times."

What an eyesore! I thought. I was just watching the whole thing happening in front of me as if I'm a ghost that couldn't be seen by anyone, like I never existed at all.

A staff from outside peeked from the crack of the opened door. Finally! Someone who'd break their seemingly endless staring contest. "Baekhyun?" the staff calls out softly.

Baekhyun turns to look at him. "I'll be right there." and then gazing back at Jian. "Let's go?"

They went out of dressing room with Jian clinging an arm around Baekhyun's. For the nth time I could just roll my eyes, hoping for it to lessen the pain after seeing them flirt which really was an eyesore! I hope I could just turn back the time never allowed Baekhyun to take her with him in his schedules, it bothers me. Does Jian even have her own schedules? Isn't she in a girl group? Why is she always around Baekhyun and sticking with him as if she's back as his manager?

"You staying here?" Doyeon asked, glancing at me through the mirror of the dresser while fixing the things she used earlier.

"Can I? I won't touch anything."

"Even if you do, it won't be a problem." she chuckles and twisted herself, then propping both of her palms on the dresser partly sitting on it. "You look uncomfortable seeing them, don't you?"

"Indeed." I crossed my arms and pouted.

Doyeon sighs along with me. "But he's getting better. Baekhyun's attitude I mean." she cracks a small smile, her eyes softening like she's having flashbacks. "I've been Baekhyun's makeup artist since he debuted and I witnessed how he changed when Jian left. No matter where I'd look, I can't seem to see any good reason to be rude to his managers. But I'm somehow glad he was, it brought you here with me today." she bobbed her shoulders.

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