Chapter 34

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Baekhyun must be so eager to help himself and get over Jian, all he did for a week since we got back to the usual is going to his schedules and make up to those times he wasn't giving his fans some update for being too miserable to do so. He did everything without batting an eye and showing tiredness.

With one hand on the steering wheel, I could tell he's thinking deeply as his elbow rested on the window so he could bite on his forefinger. It's already midnight and we're just on our way home after going to his lessons, which is the last thing he does before calling it a day.

He usually never brings me along with him to his vocal lessons. Most of the time, he drops me off at the apartment building and then leave. Today was an exception, I guess, and it was my first time.

"I love my fans," he blurts out of nowhere and glances at me, snapping me out from sleepiness. "I want to give them something. Can you help me?"

"I think they'd be fine with a song, thank you."

He snapped his fingers and his expression lit up. "Why didn't I think about that?" the car took a sudden turn to the other lane.

"Where are we going?"

"SM. I need to tell Sooman so it will be planned right away."

I slid further down the seat, whining and kicking my feet. "We're literally few streets away from home! Can't you just wait until tomorrow or tell him about it through a text message?"

"This is not something that can be discussed through phone, Y/n."

We arrived at SM. He parks his car and quickly climbs out while I didn't move on my seat at all, lazily slumping against the backrest with my eyes partially closed. This is an exhausting day and he knows that, of course I would be tired since I follow him around.

Baekhyun rounded the car and opens the door to my side. "Out."

"Just go on your own!"

"You might get suffocated."

A breathy laugh. "Says the man who literally locked me inside the same car in my first day of work."

He pressed his lips to a straight line with his eyes narrowing. "You go out or-"

"Fine, fine! You are one impatient bacon, I hope you get overcooked."

I trailed behind him while pouting until we reached Sooman's office. He wasn't on his usual seat, I guess he stepped out for a bit. Feeling really sleepy, I went straight to the comfy in front of the desk, sat on it and throw my head back on the backrest before closing my eyes.

"Y/n is tired." footsteps were heard nearing. "Can't really wait about whatever is this, Baekhyun?"

My eyes fluttered open. "That's what I'm trying to tell him!" I exclaimed as my hand does gestures in the air to show displeasure.

Baekhyun ignores that and proceeded to tell Sooman his plan, since it seems like he isn't going to give credits for my idea. "I wanted to release a single, for my fans."

Sooman's brow twitched, as if he's asking why, through them.

Needless to say, Baekhyun answers, "Nothing, I just thought I should give them something after..." his teeth caught his bottom lip and his eyes looked down, sadly. He was hesitant, I reckon he was reminded of what he went through two weeks ago. "Uh... I should give them something after my silence for a week. It was such a long time and I wanted to make it up to them."

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