Chapter 10

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I kept my eyes in the hallway where Jihyang slowly gets further away from us together with the medics. It was until they took a turn, completely vanishing from my sight. One of my hands came up to massage my temple. I couldn't help but blame myself as to why that happened, I am the one who spilled the coffee so I did that to Jihyang. Although Baekhyun's performance will have to continue, I still feel like I've ruined the entirety of it.

"What are we going to do now? She's like the center of the chorus." Rozal asks, I can sense the rest of the team's disappointment to the way they sighed.

"How about Y/n?" I turned to look at Baekhyun, a hint of shock visible on my visage. I was surprise not because of his suggestion, but rather because of his voice as my name slip pass his lips. It was soft, unlike how he called me out the last time. "You know the steps perfectly. You did Jihyang's part during the practice and she did mine it should be fine."

Jongin snaps his fingers, catching my attention. "Right! I saw how you dance to this one, Y/n."

I wanted to refuse. I didn't want to take her place when I really feel bad about what happened to her. "But-"

Wootae cuts me off. "Please?"

And the rest of the team surrounded me, each and one of them clasping their hands in a pleading manner with their eyes twinkling cutely. "Please?"

If they think this is going to make me feel better, no. I felt a thousand times worst. I haven't been dancing to the song for almost a week now and the next chance I'll have to is in front of Baekhyun's fans? Hell no! "I did-"


They divided themselves into two groups and stepped aside to give way for Baekhyun approaching me. I could feel my heart jumping inside my chest, I wanted to squeal but of course I shouldn't so I pressed my lips for a thin line and avoided his gaze.

Maybe it's because I'm easy when it comes to him that I found myself sitting in front of the dresser, all perfectly dressed like how Jihyang is supposed to look for this performance. I stared at my own reflection, sighing every now and then. Guilt is still taking over me as the image of Jihyang being in pain keeps on coming back in my mind. I closed my eyes and shook my head, then heaving out a breath.

"It's not your fault."

I gasped and looked behind, only to see Baekhyun standing at the doorway. Since one of his dancers got injured, his turn to perform was moved so the team could have time to fix the problem after the accident.

Baekhyun steps inside and closed the door behind him. "I know you're blaming yourself. It was an accident, it's not your fault."

Staring back at the mirror, I shook my head aggressively and both of my hands coming up to fist on my own hair frustratedly. "I spilled the drink! It is my doing. She was hurt because of me." I blew a good amount of air in attempt to stop myself from tearing up. "It feel so wrong replacing her after all those practices she invested her time to."


I shifted my eyes up and glanced at him through the mirror while trying to control my breathing. The way he said my name isn't helping me to calm down. Baekhyun walks closer to where I'm seated and stopped once he reached my side. Gathering air inside my mouth to puff my cheeks, I looked down on my lap and pretended that I'm not affected of how he sounded so worried as if he cared for me.

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