Chapter 11

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There are 5 phases of emotions after finding out your idol is dating: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and Acceptance. That is according to Sung Deokmi of the drama 'Her Private Life'.

They can't be dating when they just met after three long years! It would be weird. You lost contact with each other for such a long time and after meeting again you'll immediately go out on a date? That will lead to a toxic relationship that will end in a blink of an eye. If you want your relationship to last, at least make time to know each other and if you already do and you parted temporarily then catch up with what's new to see if he/she is still the person you wanted to be with.

Does it make sense? Or it's just me making up those because I'm denying what I found out.

I went to work feeling gloomy, shoulders heavy with my lips curling downwards as I made my way towards the dance practice room. Staffs who wanted to greet me on their way, never did, as if they could feel my heavy heart. The whole place was gloomy itself actually, unlike when I'd skip my way in with excitement.

I've said it before, I'm like a sunshine. Someone who'll give light so everyone could tell it's morning no matter what the weather may be. But I didn't mention about the sunshine being bright all the time. When the weather's bad it looks dull, but still up to burst light from the sky. Seeing that some of the staffs would stretch their lips for different kinds of smile after their orbs found me, even when I look gloomy. That's what I am today, a dull sunshine in the middle of a storm.

Since Jihyang is still at the hospital and there is another music show performance three days after the last one yesterday, I came at work not just as Baekhyun's manager but also a part of the team. I had to practice the dance after that spontaneous performance I pulled off the day before.

During warm ups, we were waiting for Baekhyun to arrive when the door opened harsly that it bounced against the wall. All of our gazes snapped towards the one who did that. Ah, speak of the devil. He walks in with a huge grin on his face, cup holders in the both sides of his hands.

"Good morning my favorite team!" he greets, then settling down what he brought with him on the couch. Baekhyun starts taking out each cup of coffee and presonally walking up to each and one of us to hand them. Jongin stepped out for a bit so Baekhyun left one drink for him and proceeded to those who were currently present.

I was the last one. With a smile, he holds into the cup, both of his hands curling with security around the cup's body as he carefully made his way towards me. He stops right in front of me and extended his arms, the mouth of drink leveling just below my eyes that I could see smoke coming out and the smell of the coffee soon followed. "For you."

"Oh," I took the drink from his hands and he remained standing there, eyes stilling on my face and smile not even faltering. It was the look I once wished he could have when I'm in front of him. That was back when he was at his rudest, earlier times of my job. But I don't know why that look is making me feel uncomfortable. "You seemed different."

"Me?" he chuckles, finally breaking his gaze away from my flushed face. "I must be in a very good mood because you saved my performance yesterday." then he pokes my cheek using a forefinger and turns around immediately to walk away before he could see how my face turned redder at that.

Omg... What was that? I pursed my lips and a hand came up to cup the same cheek Baekhyun had poked. Everything that is making my heart feel heavy had suddenly vanished.

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