Chapter 24

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Jian walks up to us with her gaze locking with Baekhyun's, they both looked like they have been waiting for this day; to finally see each other again. If only I could play some sort of ballad song or one of Baekhyun's drama OSTs in the background, one could mistook this moment as if there's a drama filming in here.

"It's been a long time." she softly muttered. There's nothing heart-fluttering with those words (at least for me) but it caused for Baekhyun's ears to turn red.

I can't: believe.

"Uh, hello?" I waved my hand to get their attentions and they both turned their heads to look at me. "If you two don't mind, there could be sasaengs surrounding the place. I suggest you two don't stick near around each other if you're outside."

They blinked once, twice and they're still confused.

I heaved out a sigh. "Baekhyun, go inside first. Jian and I will follow after few minutes."

"O-okay," Baekhyun stuttered, glancing at Jian for the last time before he reluctantly turned his back at us and strode towards the building's entrance.

Silence covered us both the moment Baekhyun completely disappeared from our sights. She can't keep her eyes off from where he went so I decided to open my mouth and start a conversation that may get me into her nerves. "If you're going to visit Baekhyun, why not go straight to his unit instead of waiting here? There are spy fans around and you might get him in trouble."

She glimpsed at me. "I... I haven't been here so I don't know where his unit."

"You haven't been here? You were a manager, aren't you supposed to know where Baekhyun lives?" I started walking towards the building and Jian followed behind, pulling her mask up to cover her face.

"Baekhyun used to live in a dorm with SeChan and Lay and it has been years of course I know he doesn't live in that place anymore."

"Ah, so I'm the first girl who got to step inside his apartment then?" I didn't have to check on her to know that she was taken aback by that.

Though I was not facing her, I could feel her eyes piercing a hole in the back of my head. A breathy laugh was heard from her soon after. "You have been in his apartment?"

"Yes, actually we live together... I mean, we're neighbors. I go inside his apartment like it's my second home and wake him up in the morning by jumping on his bed." I looked back at her, one side of my lips stretched for a slight smugly smirk. "I've seen him without a shirt on, too." my hair flipped itself over my shoulder once I whipped my gaze back ahead and continued on my way inside the building.

"What did I ever do you?"

I halted. And she really has the nerve to ask-

"You think I don't know that you're the reason why my manager has been so strict to me?"

I spun around. "Really? Then I guess he hasn't shown the best  that he had because you managed to be here." then I crossed my arms across my chest. "And what did you ever do to me? You really had to ask me that?"

If I could just spat her dirty works out from my mouth, she'd be surprise that I know about it. But I didn't want her to do something against me for knowing it, as I know she'll come up with a backup plan to sabotage whatever Baekhyun and I have right now. She's manipulative and the fact that Baekhyun likes her and had fooled him so many times is making things easier for her.

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