Chapter 18

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My mouth fell agape and my eyes were bulging as they stilled on his own pair.

Hundred_B, my favorite follower... Is Baekhyun? All this time, I have been talking to Baekhyun? He's the one who has been listening to how much I truly admire him despite the attitude he shows me when we personally meet each other every day. It must be fun seeing me fall into his other identity, it surely boosted his ego now that he knows what I actually think about him.

"I guess that explains why you're trying so hard to endure everything, so you get to stay beside me; when you told me to buy something for my nephew which I never mentioned; and you've read fanfictions about me having a really strict managers that I couldn't meet someone." he paused to let out a breathy laugh. "You've been dropping hints and I failed to pick them up. You could've been done with this job long ago."

I gulped, not knowing what to say. He had that confident and flirty look when he approaches me.

"I finally have the easiest way to make Sooman fire you." then he leans closer towards my face, I leaned back as a reaction. "Your heart must've been fluttering everyday because you get to see your idol. Was it fun being steps ahead of the other fans because you're a manager? You're more updated?" he says into my face and even pressed my nose as if it was some kind of button before he turns around and goes back to his seat.

Ha, heart flutter his ass. If he thought those times he's rude to me made my heart flutter, he's wrong! I wanted to say it right into his face but I couldn't open my mouth. I'm caught red handed, I'm obviously overwhelmed at this very moment. Even when he was leaning towards me, our face close and booping my nose didn't make my heart race.

He threw a leg over the other and arrogantly said, "I'm going to tell Sooman you've been my fan."

"Go ahead." I tilted my head to look at him, giving him the same confident look he had. "I was going to leave this job in the first place. I'm sending you your schedules and you don't have to see me again."

I was running out of words to say. Luckily, the door opened and a bunch of people came in. They were the team that we've been waiting for to start the meeting. I quietly sat on my seat, this time not across Baekhyun but to the other end of the table. Somewhere really far from him.

In the middle of the meeting, while the team were discussing about Baekhyun's concept idea, my phone vibrated right after I yawned. When I looked under the table to check, it was a message from Hundred_B... I mean, Baekhyun.

Need someone to entertain you? You seemed bored in the middle of your work :)

What a piece of- I quickly went to twitter to block both of his accounts, official and not. So he's going to be annoying about me being his fan? He'd be arrogant and would always remind me how I lied, just so I could get this job? We'll see what he can do once I fall out of love because being arrogant is a major disappointment for me.

I could feel him intently staring from the other end of the table and I can't take it anymore! I stood up from my seat, catching everyone's attention. "T-there was an emergency at home, I'll be leaving." and I sprinted my way out of the conference room, not making any eye contact with everyone.

My head flickered to the way out of the building and to the elevator that could take me up to Sooman's office. I didn't know what to do, should I go and confess right now so I don't have to work for tomorrow until forever? Or calm my overwhelmed mind and tell Sooman through text, let him decide without seeing him personally. I wouldn't want to know how he's going to scold me for lying that I've been Baekhyun's fan.

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