Chapter 22

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As soon as Seoho and I reached the restaurant's exit, I stretched my arms and inhaled the crisp night air that's gently meeting my skin.

"Are you going home? I'm calling a cab for you."

I crinkled my nose and shook my head. "I wouldn't like to go home with the thought that my artist is out there. There's a park nearby, I could use a walk to burn the calories I gained from the dinner."

Seoho chuckles, "I think I needed that too."

We were both quiet as we made our way to the park. For the first few minutes after getting out of the restaurant, I swear the cold breeze felt fine but it's making me shiver the longer I get exposed to it. Seoho quickly notices and took his coat off him to place it around my shoulders.

"Thank you."

Comfortable silence took over.

But then Seoho started a conversation. Knowing him from the past days we've meet each other for our artists' schedules, I found out that he's kinda talkative and curious. "So..." he heaves out. "I'm just really curious, what's there about Baekhyun that you like? I mean, that makes you like him."

My eyes widened as I whipped my head to meet his gaze. "I told you I don't like him, I can't like him."

"Then what's that cheek caress means?" he wiggled his brows teasingly.

I actually didn't mind that gesture from earlier and now that he brought that up, I suddenly feel embarrassed and regretful about doing it. I remember a time I accidentally touched something I shouldn't have and that made my hand stiff for some time. That's what I feel after realizing how I caressed Baekhyun's cheek for being sorry; the same hand froze beside me as we walk.

"No, you should seriously stop teasing me to him or I'll really end up liking him." I lied. Of course that was a lie. I like Baekhyun and the only teasing I want to stop is being teased to Seoho when he's just a friend. "I can't lose this job." not when we're improving, and there's Baekhyun who doesn't know what to do when I'm not around.

"Oh, so you don't have any feelings for him."

With pursed lips, I nodded.

We reached the park few moments after and silently sat on a bench to rest. I didn't like how the silence made me think about the recent events, reflecting on my behavior, realizing the things I set aside for being busy with what really matters.

I hate how I'm actually thinking about being interested on Seoho and that despite saying he's just a friend, I'm considering growing some feelings for him just to cut down the ones I grew for Baekhyun. When I said that I can't lose this job, I mean it. Not because there's a chance that Baekhyun might reciprocate what I feel for sticking around him, but because I wanted to be there in every step he takes with his life. I wanted to see him thrive and achieve his goals and make sure that whatever path he chooses, I'm staying with him, follow, and support him.

Even if it means that I don't romantically love him anymore.

Scratch that, I should never have that kind of love for him in the first place. I'm just a fan and nothing else. Being his manager doesn't make me one step ahead of the others and I shouldn't take advantage of that.

"Honestly, I was thinking about dating."

Seoho tilted his head to me.

"Being a female manager, I get teased a lot by some staffs and it's kinda inappropriate... Well at least for Baekhyun." I heaved out a sigh. "You know why he doesn't have a manager to represent him in your previous dinner meetings, right?"

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