Chapter 47

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I swear I heard my door password clicking, that certain sound actually waking me up but I remained still on my bed with my eyes closed. Clacking sounds of what seems like long and sharp nails colliding against the floor soon followed, the bedroom door that was left ajar had been pushed open.

I felt my bed shaking a bit before something soft glides across my cheek, leaving a trail of saliva on my skin. My eyelids fluttered and the first thing I saw was Mongryong beside my head.

"Mongryongie, good morning." I greeted him sleepily and sat up. He doesn't give me the chance to snuggle him up and quickly jumps off the bed while barking, his tail wagging happily behind.

Did he just gave me an attitude, first thing in the morning? Pouting, I laid back down on the bed but then Mongryong started barking once again. I got up, dangled my legs on the edges of the bed and that's when he bites the hem of my sweatpants and tug on it. Seems like he wanted me to leave the bed, so I did. Though that isn't enough for him to let my pants go and continued pulling on it, wanting for me to walk towards the door and go out of my room.

"Okay, okay Mongryongie. I understand you, baby." I said and he finally detached himself from me and ran towards the main door of my apartment. I followed after him, giggling at our baby being adorable.

"Alright, let's go to your appa." I picked him up in my arms before opening the door of my apartment and got ourselves out to go at Baekhyun's.

The first sense that was awaken once we're inside of Baekhyun's apartment, was my sense of smell. Several aroma of foods had taken over the place, eventually leading me towards the kitchen where they probably came from.

I carefully peek from the doorway and can't help myself but giggle at the sight of Baekhyun pacing around the kitchen while holding a bowl of food. He was humming to a song with a wide and proud smile etching on his lips.

He catches a glimpse of me as he placed the food down the table. "There you are, baby." he wipes his hands on the apron wrapped around his body. "I made breakfast."

I put Mongryong down on the floor and straightened up, hands on my hips. "You mean, you ordered breakfast and heated them up?"

"Well, I'm sorry if YOUR BOYFRIEND doesn't know how to cook."

Disbelief immediately takes over my expression — showing my boyfriend, Baekhyun, the contrary to what my heart really wants me to feel after emphasizing that he's mine. My boyfriend... It sounded foreign to me, I still can't even believe I actually can put 'Baekhyun' and 'my boyfriend' together in a sentence to spit a fact.

"What's with the face? You know I'm never the type to be cocky about something I achieve." he removes the apron and strode towards me, while I'm keeping a contorted face. Baekhyun then stands in front of me and takes me by the waist to pull me closer. "But if I'm asked to brag something I'm proud of, I'd say that it's making you mine." a sweet kiss then meets my forehead after saying those.

Someone stop him! I cracked a forced smile, mimicking the way he did in Get You Alone's music video, before I squeaked. "I can never get used to us being like this." I stepped away from Baekhyun and show both of my enclosed fists, looking like I'm about to punch him. "Come on, fight me! Fight me!"

"No." he takes one of my fists and opens it, only to slip his fingers into the gaps between mine and interlace our hands. "We're not the same as we were in the past, Y/n. I know you still can't believe, but everything is real. I'm yours, you're mine, we're together."

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