Thank You!

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Pretty Strawberries,

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Pretty Strawberries,

December 25, 2019 I posted Cover It Up's description, immediately started writing it, and finally got published in May 2, 2020. Look at how far we've been together. It took me almost two years but now we're here. On February 14, 2022 CIU has ended! (◍•ᴗ•◍)🍓

Strawberries, thank you so much for taking your time to read this book. You waited for updates even if it took me a long time because of my hectic life outside of writing. I feel bad every time I couldn't give you something and you Strawberries are always in my mind when I don't update. You got used to it, aren't you? Back then, when I don't update on time I'll get comments on the most recent chapter up, asking about where's the update or messages on my message board.

When it happened several times, I don't get them anymore. It made me realize how much we've grown together as we traveled through this book's journey. You might have learned that I couldn't update on time because I'm busy, while I learned that you'll wait for it no matter how long it will take.

To say that I'm grateful is an understatement. Every time I get comments on a newly posted chapter, every word of your comments literally lingers in my mind for the whole day. And it has always made me giddy and giggly while I deal with my life in the real world. Have you experience smiling at something on your phone and your mom thought it's because of some person you're dating? Yeah, I've been there and it's because of reading your comments. You have no idea how much your words affect and meant to me, and how thankful I am that you keep me going.

Thank you, thank you so much! ㅠㅠ Omg I just love you all! Aside from EXO members, Strawberries are pretty much the reason why I can feel my heart flutter like I'm in love. I hope this isn't the only book we'll have this kind of interaction.

Hold up! Before I end this letter, Let me share CIU's Spotify playlist—it contains the songs I listened to the most while writing Cover It Up!

Hold up! Before I end this letter, Let me share CIU's Spotify playlist—it contains the songs I listened to the most while writing Cover It Up!

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I will make it a collaborative playlist so can freely add the songs you listen to while you were reading CIU. Let me know what songs are they, I'd love to hear them too ꒰⑅ᵕ༚ᵕ꒱˖♡

Once again, thank you and I love you!


653 days, 54 parts, and 263,480 words...

Cover It Up! has uncovered everything.

Cover It Up! has uncovered everything

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