𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙚𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩𝙚𝙚𝙣, 𝙘𝙝𝙚𝙛𝙨

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Cassie was oblivious to most things that went on around her, but she knew her three supposed best friends were lying to her, and something more than just being attacked by the Whomping Willow had happened.

As she stepped onto the platform, she was met with the same stares and whispers from September. The majority of Hogwarts had stopped pestering the girl about her father, but to the rest of the Wizarding World, she was seen just as manic as him.

With her head held high, she left Kings Cross and made it onto the muggle streets of London not even stopping to speak to Mrs Weasley.
She ducked into an empty alleyway and summoned the Knight Bus with her wand as she had no other means of getting back to the Children's Home in Blackpool.
Thankfully, the Knight Bus took her there in minutes.

When she stepped through the door, the place was unrecognizable.
Children were running around screaming, the walls were covered with food and the floor looked like it hadn't seen a mop in months.

"Effie!" Cass shouted over the noise.

"Cassie!" someone screamed back from the crowd of madness.

Cassie was suddenly embraced in a bone crushing hug by no one other than her best friend, Effie Taylor. Cass missed Effie an unimaginable amount over the past year. She couldn't write as there wasn't a way Cass could give Effie an adress to write too.

"I've missed you." Effie said.

"Missed you more. What the fuck is going on?" Cass asked.

"We got a new Matron months ago, she's never around much and doesn't care!" Effie beamed.

"So who's in charge then?"

"Well that's the thing, we've all been waiting for you to get back." Effie explained.

"Right." Cass muttered.

It was obvious nothing but pure chaos had been happening since Cass left. Cassie was probably the number one advocate for trouble, but it had gone too far now.

"OI!" Cass screamed from the table she stood on.

Everyone stopped and looked towards her.
Cass was well respected by everyone at St Anne's. The younger girls looked up to her, whilst the older ones treated her like a sister.

"When was the last time any of you's actually ate a meal? And I don't mean raiding the chocolate and biscuit stash. You lot look horrible!" Cass told the girls.

"Cheers Cassie, we missed you too." said an older girl called Millie.

"Hey! Don't blame me for telling the truth! Pheobs, Chloe and Lily can you help the younger ones tidy this place whilst me and Effie try to make something edible in the kitchens?"

They all agreed and began collecting months worth of rubbish and throwing it away. Cassie and Effie had the almost impossible task of cooking for over 30 girls with limited supplies.

"Do you know how to cook?" Cass asked her best friend.

"Not a clue, you?"

"Not a clue, but how hard can it be?"

Spoiler alert, it was hard.

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