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The atmosphere in the common room was split. Many were furious and envious at Harry for becoming a champion as he was too young to even enter, and few were sympathetic towards the boy as he has no choice other than to compete.
Ron had sided with the furious and envious Gryffindors.
"How did you do it?" Ron asked Harry sharply in the boys dormitory.
Harry remained silent.
"Never mind." Ron scoffed. "You could have let your best friend know though."
"Let you know what?" Harry asked confused.
"You know bloody well what."
The two were arguing that loudly, Cass had heard them as she entered Gryffindor tower.
"I didn't ask for this to happen Ron. Okay? You're being stupid." Harry continued.
"Yeah that's me, Ron Weasley... Harry Potters stupid friend."
By now, Cass had entered the boys dorms.
"Will you two stop acting like toddlers for piss sake." Cass groaned looking at the two.
"I didn't put my name in that cup." Harry said looking at Cassie. "I don't want eternal glory I just wanna be...Look I don't know what happened tonight and I don't know why, it just did ok?" he said looking at Ron this time.
"Piss off." Ron muttered.
"Ron." Cass said warningly.
"No! Don't tell me you believe him Cass? It's always him! You always side with him!"
"Ron calm the fuck down, now. I never said I was siding with anyone, you're acting like a prick. Sort yourself out." Cass said before leaving with Harry chasing after her.
She'd made it to the common room before Harry stopped her.
"Cass." he pleaded. "Tell me you believe me, I didn't put my name into the goblet of fire."
His eyes were full of desperation, begging for Cass to understand, to forgive, to love.
Over the summer he'd realized that all the times he felt indescribable around her or the way his heart was torn with jealousy seeing Cass and Cedric at the world cup was because he fancied her. All the little moments from first year to now had all made sense. The butterflies when she calls him Haz, the sappy smile he gets hearing her laugh and the thought that he'd do anything to protect her.