Chapter 1

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Two years later...

Storm's POV

As I stood at my window, I watched everyone in the big backyard. So much has happened since Melo passed I haven't been the same since.

After receiving the news of his passing, my heart couldn't take the impact of it, which caused me to go unconscious. I woke up days after and it was honestly one of the worse days of my life. Telling his family had to be one of the hardest things anyone had to do. Since I was the closest with Melo, I had to tell his family the whole situation and what happened. And just like I expected, they were upset. And they were angry at me. They blamed me for causing the whole situation and for getting Melo involved. Which I don't blame them for, I blamed myself for the past two years.

Word then got out about the situation and I was instantly hated for it. It was one thing from getting it from his family, but by millions of people really hurt. I stopped living my life. I stopped working, I stopped going out, everything I did in my everyday life I stopped doing. I couldn't show my face to the world after the way I was being treated. I was hurt, I was scared, I was embarrassed. But most importantly, I was sorry. I was so sorry and there was nothing I can I do to change what happened. I wish it was me who got shot. I wish I was the one who took the bullet and suffered from it. I wish I died instead of him.

I kept my tears held in because I did promise him I wouldn't cry over him. So far, the hole that burned in my chest remained. And it only got bigger. I felt like no one allowed me to miss him. I was so attacked by everyone, I didn't even get the chance to say goodbye. I couldn't even attend his funeral. Look at that, I couldn't attend my best friends funeral because everyone hated me. I'm so sorry LaMelo. While I was in hiding from the world, I had the comfort of my friends and family. We were all grieving the lost of Melo and needed to be there for one another.

I then convinced Peyton to move out here and live with Josh and I. She of course agreed because she couldn't be by herself. Especially in a time like that. So she moved in with us and still today, lives with us. Now you might be thinking, what is the last thing Melo said to me. Well, he told me to care of his unborn baby at the time. And yes you're correct, he got Peyton pregnant. They slept together once and he slipped up and the condom broke. He told me to make sure his child was straight no matter what and that's exactly what I did.

Peyton had her son. LaMelo Unviverse Ball Jr. Also known as LJ. She named him after Melo which I loved. Melo always wanted a Junior. He even looked just like him, and had similar personalities. It's like he was reborn and came back as his son, which only made everyone miss him more. She reached out to his family and they welcomed her with opened arms. I'm glad they did, she needed to get close with them.

Heaven had her daughter. Shariah Nevaeh O'neal. She was a beautiful smart girl and looked just like Heaven. And then there's me, I had my daughter. Chelsey Lightning Bolt Christopher. That name sounds familiar to you huh? Lemme explain why I gave her that name.

I'm sure you guys remember that lovely young girl Chelsey, who came to my store. She was diagnosed with a sickness and was fighting for her life. The day where everything went day, one of my workers gave me a letter with my name on it. A month later I ended up opening the letter. It was a letter from Chelsey. This is what she wrote in the letter.

Dear Storm,

I just wanted to say thank you, thank you for everything you have done for me. If you got this letter, then it means that I passed away. The strong girl that I was couldn't fight for any longer. But I fought long enough thanks to you. I wish you all the best and hope you continue to inspire others, just like you did to me. I died with a smile on my face all thanks to you!

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