Chapter 39

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Storm's POV

"Are you sure you're up for the next one? We can reschedule" Saweetie says, for the third time today. I was currently at a shoot for Fashion Nova and have been taking pictures for hours. This morning when I woke up, I felt a bit better but my face still hurt a bit. I iced down my face so it was no longer swollen and got my makeup done so it looks like nothing happened. I also woke up early because Josh got Tae to do my hair. I love him so much.

"I'm fine Saweetie. If I couldn't do it, I wouldn't do it" I said to her sighing. We took often breaks so I could sit down and get my energy back up. My body still aches a bit but I wasn't gonna let it stop me from working. I definitely won't let someone like Cali stop me from making my money.

"I'm just worried about you that's all. I don't want you to over work yourself" She says sighing. She's been a bit down lately because her and Quavo recently broken up. She says she's fine and happy with the decision she made, but I know deep down she missed him. But of course, she won't admit it.

"I won't, I promise" I said smiling at her. I grabbed my phone and decided to look at what people on social media been saying. I went to the post that The Shaderoom made and read the article. Storm Christopher get's jumped by Instagram model Cali Daddy with two other women. I rolled my eyes and went straight to the comments.

"What are you doing?" Saweetie asks me.

"Nothing" I said as I read the comments. Everyone was basically saying I deserved it. Well think I had at least some people on my side. I then left the post and was looking at my dms and tags. Let's see...death threats....girls saying they're gonna take Josh from me....girls saying Josh is cheating on me....people saying I'm a murder....nothing new.

"When is all of this gonna stop..." I said to myself as I frowned.

"Ok Storm, let's start again" The photographer says and I nodded. I stood up and put my phone down. I can't let those comments and posts get to me right now. I took my robe off of me and walked towards the white backdrop.

"Alright, dim this light and make this one brighter" He says and the staff members follow his instructions. I posed and he started taking pictures. Let's get this over with...

Josh's POV

"Where are we going?" Marcus asked me as we were all in the car. I took them out of school early so we can go somewhere to eat. I haven't been spending much time with the kids and been sending them to my parents house because I didn't want them to get involved in the drama that's been going on. I feel like I should tell them or at least sum up what's been going on to them. Also break the news that they won't see their mom again. That's not gonna be easy.

"To eat, what do you guys wanna eat?" I asked them.

"McDonald's" Lola says.

"No let's get Pizza" Kevin says and Marcus nods.

"Hmmm I want McDonald's too, how about you Chels?" I asked Chelsey as I glanced at her through the mirror. She looks at me and giggles. My guppy.

"Pizza!" She yelled and the boys cheered.

"Looks like they beat us Lola" I said to her and she giggled.

"It's ok. Pizza is good too" She says and I nodded.

"Pizza it is" I said to myself as I found a nearby Pizza Hut. I drove to it and then parked the car.

"Unbuckle your sister from her car seat" I told the boys. They nodded and helped Chelsey out. We got out the car and Chelsey walked up to me and put her arms up.

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