Chapter 30

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"Storm Christopher in the hospital after her home was trespassed. A brick was thrown into her living room window while she was home with she daughter Chelsey"

"Josh's Christopher wife Storm in hospital after someone tries to throw a brick at her while she is home"

"Pray for Storm Christopher as she is now in the hospital for someone throwing a brick into her home last night"

Josh's POV

My heart beats out of my chest as I sit down in the waiting room with my head down. The second I got the notification that the house alarm went off, I knew something was wrong. I didn't know exactly what but I just knew that I had to get home. I then got the notification that the emergency light was on, which meant that something happened. I dropped the kids off to my parents and rushed home. When I got home, I seen the neighbors surround my house and police and ambulance in my house. They carried Storm out on a stretcher and put her in the truck. One of the nurses held a crying Chelsey that was screaming for me and Storm.

Now here I am, as well as all of our friends, sitting in the waiting room waiting to hear the news on Storm. When I tried to check the security cameras to see what happened, it seems that the cameras turned off right before the event happened. I don't know who did this but when I find out, that person will wish they were never born.

"I can't believe this happened. I was just with her" Shareef says.

"You were?" Heaven asked him. He was?

"Yea, I went over to talk to her about everything that's been going on. If I just stayed a little longer then all of this wouldn't have happened" He says sighing.

"Don't blame yourself Shareef. You didn't know any of this was going to happen" I said sighing. I was angry. So angry. Storm is one of the most amazing and kindest people I know and doesn't deserve the stuff she goes through. It's like she can't get a break because people just keep throwing more problems at her. Including us...

While I was in training this morning, I was thinking hard about everything that's been going on. I feel like we put to much on Storm and it's not ok. Especially me. What I've done to Storm in the past doesn't equal to the things she's done to me. And it doesn't help that everyone including myself make things harder for her when she's already going through so much. I'm sorry Storm...I'm so sorry...

"Is mama gonna be ok?" Chelsey said as she laid in my arms.

"Yes princess" I said. But honestly I didn't know. Is Storm going to be ok? I hope she's not hurt.

"Family for Storm Christopher?" We all heard. We stand up and a nurse walks over to us.

"Hello everyone. So, I have some good news and some bad news" She says.

"Let's hear the good news first" I said to her.

"Ok. Good news is that Storm is up and she's doing fine" She says smiling. Oh thank god.

"What's the bad news?" Caleb asks.

"So I did some test and asked her many questions. And I can say that Storm is going through depression. It might not seem like it because many people do go through it differently. Has anything tragic happened to her over the years?" She's asked.

"Yea, she lost someone very close to her" I said.

"She can be suffering the pain of losing someone close to her. And also maybe having other problems or dealing with other things. The reason why she fell unconscious was because she had a minor heart attack. Mild heart attacks occur when an artery supplying your heart with blood and oxygen becomes blocked. She couldn't breathe because the pressure in her heart built up and pushed fluid into the lungs. And it was quicker then usual because she was in fear" She says. My heart sunk into my stomach as I thought about Storm. Oh no...

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