Chapter 19

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This one is gonna get y'all a bit mad😅 I hate Cali just as much as y'all do!

But enjoy!

Storm's POV

"What do you mean you don't wanna work with me anymore?" I asked the photographer. When Saweetie and I got to my shoot, everyone started packing up their equipment.

"You currently have a bad image and the boss said he doesn't want to represent you" He says.

"This is ridiculous! She did nothing wrong" Saweetie said pointing to me.

"I'm sorry, it's just orders" He shrugs and walks away.

"Oh no sir, you don't walk away from me" She says and follows him. I sighed and turned to Annie.

"Every is going to be fine, Saweetie will take care of this" She says in a calm way.

"You think she's still mad at me?" I ask her. Before we walked into the studio, she gave me a lecture about how I wasn't careful about what I was doing. I honestly think I had nothing to be careful about. But in my situation I guess I should of thought about my actions a little more. This is all bullshit.

"No, she'll get over it and work something out" She says and I sighed crossing my arms. Saweetie then comes back and sighs.

"They don't wanna work with you anymore because they think it's gonna bring a bad image to their brand" She says rolling her eyes.

"This is bullshit" I said throwing my arms up.

"It is but Storm, you know the kind of ground you're on right now. Being at the club and doing what you did honestly wasn't the best idea" She says.

"Ok I get it. I said I was sorry!" I said shrugging. It already happened, what else does she want me to do?

"And who was that lady that had your kids?" She asks me.

"I don't wanna talk about it" I said looking down, she sighs and turns to Annie.

"Well, I guess we can all go home now" She says. I grab my bag and we all start to walk out of the studio.

"Storm, you have a shoot tomorrow evening. Try not to do anything by then to get this one taken away as well" Saweetie says to me.

"I'll try so hard" I said being sarcastic. I was honestly mad. I didn't think my situation is that deep, but people want to make it bigger then what it already is.

"Bye y'all" I said as I walked to my car. I got in and set my bag down. I grab my phone and dial my moms number. I really need her right now.


"Hi mom" I said sighing.

"Oh I know that voice, start talking girl" She instantly says.

"I'm so pissed off! My shoot just got canceled because of the news from this morning. 30k was just taken away from me! This is no longer about what people think of me, or my life. This is my job, my money. This has gone to far! When are people just gonna leave me alone!" I yelled into the phone.

"I agree honey. This is going to far, you need to speak up about everything and set things straight now" She says.

"Speak up? About what?" I ask her.

"About everything. From the assumptions made about you, why you were gone for so long, LaMelo..." She says and I rolled my eyes.

"No I'm not doing it. I don't care about what people think mom" I said to her.

STORM 4 | Josh Christopher Where stories live. Discover now