Chapter 62

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Lala hereeee! Remember that secret I had...? Yea y'all finna find out soon!

Storm's POV

"I forgot about this place" I said chuckling as we got out of the car. We walked to the wooden fence and I leaned on it while he sits on top of it.

"I was here this morning" Josh says and looks towards the view. I closed my eyes and breathed in the fresh air. This place was always so calming.

"Josh we need to talk" I said looking down as I fiddled with my nails.

"We do, and I'll go first" He says. He pushed his glasses up on his face and looks straight.

"Storm. What you said didn't only hurt my feelings, but made me question a lot of things. It made me question how you look at me, it made me question all the things we've been through, and it especially made me question our relationship" He started. I stayed quiet and continued to listen.

"I feel like, no matter how hard I try, I'm not good enough for you and I don't do enough for you. I understand the pain and anger I caused you in the past and I'm sorry for it. But I'm trying to forget that side of me and the things that has happened. But it's hard when you keep throwing it at me and making assumptions about me all the time. Storm I'm tired of it" He says looking at me.

"Like I don't know how much times I have to say sorry or show you that I will never be that kind of person again. And I know things are hard on you and it has been for a while. But I'm trying, I'm trying to help you, I'm trying to help you get through this and I want you to be happy again" He says. I bite my lip as I felt my eyes well up with tears.

"Josh, I'm sorry that I made you feel like you weren't enough. You are more then enough and you do so much for me. You go over and beyond for me even when you don't have to. What I said was horrible and I didn't mean any of it" I said to him. He chuckles and looks down.

"You must've meant something Storm. Explain yourself" He says.

"The way how you made me feel 7 years ago was the worst I've ever felt in my life. Even though we got past the situation and moved on from it, a small part of me thinks, if you did it before you can do it again. I've learned to trust you again Josh, more then I have before. It's just..." I took a small pause as I felt myself about to cry.

"After Melo died, I felt low again. I felt that same feeling I had when you left me. So when you were out doing whatever you were doing, and being around Soul, that feeling started to come back again. The feeling of being hurt again Josh. And again, it doesn't help that so much people look down on me and everywhere I go I'm disgusted and hated on. This all takes a toll on me and I just feel like my time is running out" I said to him.

"You do these little things where your half honest with me and you've been doing it for years. You tell me half the truth until it's time to say the full truth. Every situation we had started off like that and it gets worse every time. I don't want to keep doing this Josh" I said sighing. He frowns and fiddles with his fingers.

"That's something I need to work on and I will fix that issue. I don't like putting you in a position that makes you feel like that Storm. But at the same time, you don't tell me the truth at all. In fact, you don't tell me anything. You hide so much from me Storm, I sometimes ask myself if I still know you" He says and I look at him.

"What do you mean?" I asked him.

"I knew all sides of you Storm until Melo died. After you shut down, you came back and I had to ask myself, who is this?" He says.

"Josh I'm still me and will always be me" I told him and he shakes his head.

"Situations change people Storm. Losing Melo changed you and it wasn't a good change" He says. I stayed silent. He was right, losing Melo did change me in a way.

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