Chapter 60

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Storm's POV

"Hi mom" I said as I opened the door.

"Hi baby, you look beautiful. As always" She says smiling at me. She pulls me into a warm hug and we rock side to side. Nothing feels better then a hug from your mother.

"I missed you so much" I whispered to her.

"I missed you too baby" She says and pulls away from me. She brings her hand to my face and looks at me.

"What's wrong?" She asks me. I frowned as I looked her in the eyes.

"So much is wrong" I told her.

"Hey Ms.Nova!" Peyton says as she comes down the stairs.

"Hi Peyton, how are you beautiful?" My mom says and gives her a hug.

"I'm good, how are you? How was the flight?" She asks as they pull away.

"I'm good, and it was exhausting. I need to sit down" She says.

"Oh well I'll take your bags up to your room and let you and Storm have a talk" She says and grabs my moms luggage.

"Aww thank you honey" She says smiling at her. My mom then grabs my hand and walks us to the living room.

"Where are my grandchildren?" She asks me as we took a seat.

"Well Chelsey is upstairs taking her nap, and Lola, Marcus, and Kevin are out with Heaven and Shariah" I told her.

"Ok, I can't wait to see them" She says smiling.

"Yea, they're excited to see you" I said.

"So, what's been going on?" She asks me. I knew she was gonna get straight to the point.

"So much mom. Like, it's just" I sighed. There was so much to explain to her and I didn't even know where to start.

"In case you might be stuck, Peyton has been keeping me updated on everything that's been going. She told me what happened last night" She says. Thank you Peyton!

"Well I guess you know everything then" I said shrugging. I'm not gonna tell her about my heart problems. I don't want her to worry. Or how I have D's kids.

"Storm, I don't like how you treated Josh" She says and I give her a look. What?

"Pardon?" I ask. I treated him a certain why?

"Yes you did, and you need to talk to him" She says. I said that out loud? Yikes.

"How did I treat him? I don't think I did anything wrong" I said folding my arms.

"You're both in the wrong. Let me tell you how he's wrong" She says and turns to me. I sit there waiting for her to speak. This I have to hear.

"He hung out with another woman that you didn't approve of. He wasn't completely honest with you, but no lies were told" She says.

"But then you throw it all back in his face Storm. Not only did you tell him he doesn't make you happy, you made it seem like you regret your whole marriage with him. You sounded like you were ungrateful for him" She says.

"But I didn't say that-"

"But that's how it sounded. Do you know how that feels? To be told by someone you love that they don't make you happy, or they do things you don't like all the time? You made him feel like he isn't enough for you Storm. That's not ok" She says. I looked down as I listened to her. I didn't think of it that way.

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