Chapter 38

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Lala here! I have a secret but....I CANT TELL YOU GUYS😭

Storm's POV

I walked in the house and closed the door quietly. I sighed and walked into the living room and sat down on the couch. Finally this day is over.

"Storm?" I heard behind me, I turn and see Josh holding Chelsey in his arms as she drank her bottle.

"Goodnight mama" Chelsey says and waves at me.

"Goodnight baby" I said to her and they walk upstairs. I looked down at my shirt and sighed. This was my favorite bodysuit, now it's covered in blood and juice. I need to shower.

"Are you calm now?" Josh asked me as he came back.

"Yes, but I don't feel like talking" I said to him. I was still a bit mad and somehow just mad at everyone and the world.

"You don't got a choice you're gonna talk" He says and takes a seat beside me. I just sat there and rolled my eyes.

"You guys really fought, not once but twice. After I said not to" He says.

"Josh I don't wanna hear that bullshit right now. I made sure not to touch her unless she touched me first" I said pointing at him.

"Should've killed that hoe" I mumbled to myself. Now I'm thinking. Why'd I stop choking her? I should've toke her out when I had the chance.

"I can't believe Cali actually jumped you. She lost all connections to the kids. She can't see them at all" He says shaking his head.

"Glad you made that clear. I told her already" I said rolling my eyes. It was quiet and I sat there with my arms folded.

"I'm sorry Storm" He says. I turn my head and look at him.

"What are you apologizing for?" I asked him.

"If I didn't let Cali see the kids in the first place then none of this would be happening right now. And to make it worse, things are looking bad on your side more then Cali's" He says sighing. I stayed silent because I had nothing to say. I was sticky, irritated, and my body hurt.

"It's ok Josh. Nothing you can do now" I said shrugging. He then turns my face to him and I wince. Everything hurt.

"Can't believe she did this to you" He says shaking his head.

"Her punches were baby food. Her dumbass friend kicked me in the face, that's what really did the damage" I said rolling my eyes. He sighed and inspected my face.

"You're still beautiful though" He says and smiles. That makes me crack a smile a bit. I'm still mad though.

"And to make it worse I'm supposed to be having a photoshoot with Fashion Nova tomorrow, what am I gonna do?" I asked him. Cali just ruined everything!

"Well, your face is just swollen so we'll ice it down. We'll clean up your cuts and put some ointment on it. It won't make them go away but at least they'll look better. For your nose, you can put some makeup around it to cover the bruises. And for your hair, I'll call Tae in the morning for a emergency appointment so he can do your hair" He says. I smiled and pull him in for a kiss. Josh is the best!

"Thank you" I said to him as my hand massaged the back of his neck.

"Of course, you have no idea how bad I feel right now Storm. You didn't deserve this, you don't deserve none of the bad stuff that's been going on for you. You have no idea how angry I was that nobody jumped in to help you" He says and I sighed.

STORM 4 | Josh Christopher Where stories live. Discover now