Chapter 50

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2 days later

Storm's POV

"Home sweet home!" I yelled as Josh and I walked inside the house. On the Saturday night when we got back to the hotel, Josh didn't speak to me for the whole night. Well besides me satisfying his needs cause he was sexually frustrated, he didn't speak to me afterwards. The next morning it was only one or two word responses. But for the rest of the day, he didn't talk to me and was on his phone all day. And now today, it's the same thing. Damn babe, I didn't expect for you to be this mad.

"Can you get the kids later?" I asked Josh as he closed the door.

"Mhm" He hums and walks to the living room.

"Josh I said I was sorry already" I said as I followed him into the living room. He ignored me and continued to type on his phone.

"Fine. Stay mad hoe!" I said to him and walked away. As I grabbed my suitcase and made my way towards the stairs. A sharp pain hits me in my chest.

"Ahh" I said as I held it. The pain then went away and I stood there confused. That hurt.

"Maybe I just moved a certain way" I said to myself. I grabbed my suitcase and proceeded to make my way upstairs to the bedroom. I walked in and closed the door. When I turned around, I seen a cd on the bed.

"Yes!" I whisper yelled. I grabbed it and put it in my tv and turned it on. I turned the volume down so Josh won't be able to hear it if he comes upstairs.

"Hi Storm, congratulations again on completing step 2. You got Mr.Christopher all hot and bothered! We love to see it. And I knew you'd end up on The Shaderoom too. Don't listen to what people have to say on that. Y'all know the real so that's all that matters. Ok now, for your reward" She claps. I wonder what kind of information she has for me.

"Cali is planning to post a certain video of you very soon to ruin your image. Now you may be wondering, what video? I never did anything. Well, a lot happens with you behind closed doors Stormy" She says. I gulped as I waited to see what Cali had on me. I rubbed my hands against my pants as they started to sweat. The screen turns black then a video of Melo and I having sex pops on the screen. I gasped as I watched myself ride him. The video looks like it was recorded from outside of his window. Oh my fucking god. The video then stops and the girl comes back.

"That video is about 16 minutes long Storm. It's not looking good on you at all!" She says sighing.

"You rode that shit like a cow girl though. Megan knees!" She yelled and I couldn't help but laugh. This is the wrong time to be laughing, but hey. This girl is funny.

"But anyways. That's just one of the things she has on you. She's going to use this video and paint the image that you were cheating on Josh with Melo. I don't think you'd do something like that, would you Storm?" She questions. I'd never cheat on Josh with Melo....again.

"So now for the information I'm about to give you. Cali has been prescribed a medication from her doctor that helps her not crave for drugs. But what her doctor doesn't exactly know is, there is a certain type of drug in her pill that she used to take in past and she's not allowed to. When she was filling down the drugs she used to take in the past, she didn't write down this particular drug because it would be so easy for her to get it on her own. She's not craving and going crazy for it, because she already has it. The drug is called Oxycodone" She says. My mouth falls open and then a smile is plastered on my face. She swears she's been clean and hasn't been taking anything. SHE LIED!

"Use this information however you want, but use it wisely. And use it before she uses what she has on you. She could ruin your whole image and you'd be completely done Storm. I'll be back soon to give you your third step. Have a nice day Storm. By the way, I think you should go make up with Josh. He seems pretty upset" She says and the video ends. I got up to turn the tv off and grab the cd. I put it in a safe place where only I can find it and then head downstairs. Josh is sitting on the couch watching Toy Story 3.

STORM 4 | Josh Christopher Where stories live. Discover now